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2017-02-22 07:06:43 来源网站: 百味书屋


摘 要



Sino-Russian immigrant literature illustrates authors’ the rich and exile life, and at the same time describes every aspects of social life in both Russia and China. The form of Sino-Russian immigrant literature is not only of diversity but also of encyclopedia including exile, friendship, love, warfare, peace, nature, human and civilization, ecology and motherland and so on and forth.


Among these motifs, affection can be the most bright and outstanding one. Affection is the eternal motif amongst many classic works and poetry from the ancient time to nowadays. Not only for an ordinary man but also a well-known writer, love and hatred in our mind are the moving melodies during one’s life time. Experienced the WWII, the Russian Civil War, the social transition and exile, those exile Russian immigrant poets describe their unique affection world with poems to tell their inner moods to the whole world.

围绕“情感”这一主题,本文将从以下几个方面加以分析和描写: The paper will analyze and describe the motif affection from several aspects as follows:


Firstly, exile. The cause and result of Russian exile are explained, it shows their boycott and protestation against the Russian

October Revolution and socialism and it also expresses the hardship in other foreign countries.


Secondly, the homesick to motherland: the love to the nature in their homeland, cultural life and customs, besides the expectation to the social ideology before October is also delivered.


Thirdly, the love to China: By describing the cities in China, the architecture, culture and language, the poetry, religion, customs, nature and many other aspects of China, the authors express their love and gratitude to China, the second hometown.


Fourthly, the emotions among the relatives, friends and lovers: the authors express their missing to family and friends and lovers.


Lastly, authors are looking forwards to the future. The authors want to give a blue picture to their country and themselves a brighter future.

以上五个大主题在俄侨诗歌中均被体现的淋漓尽致,可以称之为“情之深,All these themes have been illustrated thoroughly in Sino-Russian immigrant 爱之切”。 poetry. And they deserve to the title of “the deep feeling and love”.


Key words: Sino-Russian immigrant poetry; immigrant Russian poets; affection world




My dearest family and friends,

It is difficult to express my gratitude and love to you all. I want to say so much, but I can hardly find the words. So I’ll just say that you are the greatest blessing in my life. This evening is the expression of your love to me, I realize this, but also it is the event when I see all of you gathered in the same place.

Thank you! Thank you for being with me all that difficult time. Your support and understanding gave me the strength to continue fighting. Without you I would give up. But then you would come or call and I would remember why I am so in love with this wonderful life-because of you. You are my world, and I am sincerely grateful to God for giving me such loving family and caring friends. Your support was crucial for me this year, when I achieved much due to your help.

Love and gratitude-this is what I feel standing now in front of you. Love and gratitude-these are the best emotions one can imagine. I am happy to love you and to be grateful to you. I know that you love me too. I would like to assure you that my goal in life is to become as wonderful as you think I am. As far as this goal attainment requires much effort, skills and time, I hope that you’ll help me in it, as always, I deeply appreciate your support. Thank you for being with me.

Thank you very much!








The birds are feeding situation, sheep milk are kneeling grace. We, human, as masters of the universe, also there is gratitude, gratitude. Thanksgiving is the source of power, love of the root, the courage of the. Let us learn to Thanksgiving, harvested in different life.

First of all, we should be grateful for our parents. Because the love of parents, we came to this world. We live to love, love is to carry out, let the world be full of love, let the world is full of gratitude. Our parents, not only because they brought us to this world, but because they are selfless love, has raised us up, the education of our life, our responsibility, share the burden, happy with our happiness. Parents, is our life will always be the one, even if we always with gratitude.Then, we want to live a life of gratitude. Because of life, let us grow. In this process, we may experience more failure, but because of a failure again and again, so that we will become more splendid success, so we should appreciate, thank you for these teaches us how to have better life failed, thanks to these make our life more brilliant success. Thanks


1. I am all gratitude.真是感激不尽。 2. I will forever be beholden to you.永承此恩。

3. Thanks a Ton.万分感谢。 4. You have my gratitude.感谢你。 5. Words are powerless to express my gratitude.言语已不足以表达我对你的谢意。 6. Thanks for everything.谢谢你做的一切。 7. Thanks a million.万分感谢。

8. Please accept my best thanks.请接受我由衷的感谢。

9. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.衷心感谢你。

10. Thanks for taking the time to think of me.谢谢你还想着我。

11. All my love and thanks to you.对你,我只有爱和感激。

12. I thank you most warmly.由衷感谢你。

13. Thank you for never letting me down.谢谢你从未令我失望。

14. It was so awesome of you.你这人真好。15. Words can't describe how thankful I am.言语已不足以表达我对你的谢意。

16. Please accept my vehement protestations of gratitude.请接受我浓浓的感激之情。

17. I wanted to thank you as soon as

possible.真希望我也能为你做点什么。 18. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.谢谢你想得这么周到。

19. My gratitude to you for all you have done.谢谢你为我做的一切。

20. What would I do without you?你真是帮了大忙了。

21. Accept my endless gratitude.请接受我无尽的感谢。

22. I can't thank you enough.怎样谢你都不为过。

23. I will never forget what you have done.你的恩情我没齿难忘。

24. How can I show you how grateful I am?你不知道我是多么的感激你!

25. Your generosity overwhelms me.谢谢


26. I truly appreciate you.真诚感谢你。27. I

appreciate your time.谢谢你抽时间帮我忙。 28. Thank you for helping me.谢谢帮忙。

29. Consider yourself heartily thanked.由衷感谢你。

30. Please accept my deepest thanks.请接受我真诚的感谢。

31. All I can say is, Thanks!我想说的只有:谢谢!

32. Thank you for all your kindness.谢谢你的善举。33. How can I ever possibly thank you.真不知道该怎么感谢你才好。 34. If anyone deserves thanks, it's you.助人为乐,说的就是你。

35. I cannot express my appreciation.怎么谢你都不为过。

36. Thanks for being there when I needed you.每当我有需要,你总是在我身边,谢谢你。

37. I humbly thank you.由衷的谢谢你。 38. I wish to thank everyone who pitched in.我要谢谢每一位为此做出贡献的人。 39. I'll forever be grateful.永远感激你。 40. It is hard to find words to express my gratitude.对你的感激之情,已难以用言语尽情表达。

840. I started a new hobby.I got tired of working in the garden.

我尝试着一种新的爱好841. Baseball is my favorite sport.What’s your favorite?


842. My nephew is a baseball player.He is a catcher.


843. When you played football,what position did you play?


844. We played a game last night. The score was tired six-to-six.


845. I went to a boxing match last night. It was a good fight.


846. When I was on the track team, I used to run the quarter mile.


847. I like fishing and hunting,but I don’t like swimming.


848. My favorite winter sport is skiing. I belong to a ski club.


849. Would you be interested in going to the horse races this afternoon?今天下午你有兴趣去看赛马吗?

850. The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser.


851. Be a good sport. Play according to the rules of the game.


852. Our family went camping last summer.We had to buy a new tent.


853. This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout.We lifted weights.


854. What do you do for recreation? Do you have a hobby?

你闲暇时做什么? 你有什么爱好吗?

855. My muscles are sore from playing baseball.


856. I sent in a subscription to that magazine. It’s put out every week.我订阅了那份杂志.它是周刊.

857. If you subscribe to the newspaper, it’ll be delivered to your door.


858. I didn’t read the whole paper. I just glanced at the headlines.


859. The first chapter of the story is in this issue of the magazine.


860. I haven’t seen the latest issue of the magazine.Is it out yet?


861. What’s the total circulation of this newspaper? 报纸的总发行量怎样?

862. I’m looking for the classified section.Have you seen it?


863. My brother-in-law is a reporter on The New York Times staff.


864. There was an article in today’s paper about the election.


865. There wasn’t much news in the paper today.


866. How long have you been taking this magazine?


867. Did you read the article about the rescue of the two fishermen?


868. Why don’t you put an advertisement in the paper to sell your car?


869. I got four replies to my ad about the bicycle for sale.


870. My son has a newpaper route.He delivers the morning paper.


871. What channel did you watch on television last night?


  • Love,and,Gratitude爱和感激

