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2017-02-21 06:45:03 来源网站: 百味书屋



a/an o一个;任何;每(个) able 有能力的;能干的

about 关于;在…周围

above 上面 prep.在..上面


accident ?偶然的事;意外的事 accuse谴责; 控告, 告发

across 横过;在…对面

act 行动;见效 n.行为

activist ?(政治活动的)积极分子 actor 男演员;演剧的人

add ?添加,附加,掺加

administration行政管理,管理机关admit 承认;准许…进入

adult 成年人 adj.成年的


advise 忠告,劝告,建议

affect 影响; 感动; 假装

afraid[表]害怕; [口]恐怕 after 在..之后ad.在后

again 又,再一次,此外


age 年龄;时代 vt.变老

agency ?经办;代理;代理处aggression 侵略

ago以前, 以住


agriculture 农业,农艺;农学 aid 帮助(者);援助

aim 瞄准;目的(在于)

air 使...通风 n.空气

air force 空军


airplane 飞机

airport 航空站; 民航飞机场 album 粘贴簿;相册;文选

alcohol ?酒精,乙醇

alive ?活着的,有生命的

all ?全部


almost ?几乎;差不多

alone ?(只作表语)单独的

along ?继续;一起 prep.沿already ?早已,已经

also ?亦,也;而且,还


always 总是,一直;永远

ambassador 大使;特使,代表amend 修改,更正


ammunition ?军火, 弹药

among ?在...之中,中间

amount ?总数,数量 v.累计 anarchy 无政府(状态); 混乱 ancestor祖宗,祖先


and ?和;假如;一...就anger 怒,愤怒 vt.使发怒

animal 动物;畜牲 a.动物的 anniversary?周年纪念(日)

announce ?宣告;宣布;发表 another再一(个..)

answer ?回答;响应;适应 any?什么,一些;任何的 apologize道歉,谢罪,认错 appeal请求;呼吁;上诉 4

appear ?出现;显得;好象 appoint ?任命,委任;约定 approve 赞成,称许;批准 archeology 考古学

area ?(区)域,面积,方面 argue 争论,争辩,辩论


army ?军队;陆军

around ?周围,四面,四处

arrest ??逮捕 n.逮捕; 停止arrive 到达;来临;达到

art ?艺术;美术;艺术品 artillery ?炮兵部队

as 同样地,象..一样

ash 灰;灰烬,灰堆

ask 问;要求;邀请;讨价 5



Most of the world observes Labor Day on May 1. Butthe United States has its workers holiday on the firstMonday in September. Steve Ember and BarbaraKlein have a few songs from the history of theAmerican labor movement.

Labor songs are traditionally stories of struggle andpride, of timeless demands for respect and the hopefor a better life.

Sometimes they represent old songs with new words. One example is "We Shall Not Be Moved."It uses the music and many of the same words of an old religious song.

Here is folksinger Pete Seeger with "We Shall Not Be Moved."

Many classic American labor songs came from workers in the coal mines of the South. Mineowners bitterly opposed unions. In some cases, there was open war between labor activistsand coal mine operators.

Once, in Harlan County, Kentucky, company police searched for union leaders. They went to oneman's home but could not find him there. So they waited outside for several days.

The coal miner's wife, Florence Reece, remained inside with her children. She wrote this song, "Which Side Are You On?"

Again, here is Pete Seeger.

Probably the most famous labor songwriter in America was Joe Hill. He was born in Sweden andcame to the United States in the early 1900s. He worked as an unskilled laborer.

Joe Hill joined the Industrial Workers of the World, known as the Wobblies. More than any otherunion, they used music in their campaigns, urging members to "sing and fight."

One of Joe Hill's best-known songs is "Casey Jones." It uses the music from a song about atrain engineer. In the old song, Casey Jones is a hero. He bravely keeps his train running in verydifficult conditions.

In Joe Hill's version, Casey Jones is no hero. His train is unsafe. Yet he stays on the job afterother workers have called a strike against the railroad company.

Pete Seeger and the Song Swappers sing "Casey Jones (The Union Scab)."

Another American labor song is called "Bread and Roses." That term was connected with thewomen's labor movement.

The song was based on a poem called "Bread and Roses" by James Oppenheim. The poem waspublished in The American Magazine in December of 1911.

The following month there was a famous strike by textile workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts.They won higher pay and better working conditions. Oppenheim's poem gained more attention.

At that time, conditions in factories were already a national issue. In 1911, a fire at a clothingfactory in New York had taken the lives of 146 people. The victims were mostly


Here is Pat Humphries with "Bread and Roses."

Union activists know that labor songs can unite and help people feel strong. This can be trueeven when the music has nothing to do with unions.

"De Colores" is a popular Spanish folksong. It talks about fields in the spring, little birds,rainbows and the great loves of many colors.

This song is popular with supporters of the United Farm Workers union. We listen as BaldemarVelasquez leads the band Aguila Negra in "De Colores."

For many years, folksinger Joe Glazer was a union activist with a guitar. He was also a laborhistorian. Labor's Troubadour was the name of a book he about his life. He believed inorganized labor and preserving the musical history of the American labor movement. JoeGlazer died in 2006 at the age of 88.

Here is Joe Glazer with "Solidarity Forever," written by Ralph Chaplin.

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report.


Today, we take you to a small banana plantation near Kampala. The trees are healthy and green, but Andrew Kiggundu does not like what he sees.

今天我们带你到坎帕拉附近的一个小香蕉园。这些健康的香蕉树一片翠绿,但安德鲁·基冈度(Andrew Kiggundu)对他看到的却不满意。

"The disease on the leaves you see right now is not the wilt, it is a different disease called black sigatoka. It is just killing off the leaves and causing significant yield loss. This is a big problem, although of course not as much as the wilt, because the wilt just destroys the whole plant."


Andrew Kiggundu works with the National Agricultural Research Organization, also known as NARO. The Ugandan government agency is developing genetically engineer bananas. The new plants are meant to resist black sigatoka and banana bacterial wilt, which has been destroying a large amounts of the country's banana crop.

基冈度就职于乌干达国家农业研究组织(简称NARO)。这家乌干达政府机构正在开发转基因香蕉。这种新作物是为了对抗香蕉叶斑病和香蕉细菌性枯萎病,这两种病害已经摧毁了乌干达大量的香蕉作物。 Uganda is the world's top consumer of bananas. NARO Research Director Wilberforce Tushemereirwe says this is why it is so important to produce healthy plants.

乌干达是全球最大的香蕉消费国。乌干达国家农业研究组织的研究总监Wilberforce Tushemereirwe表示,这就是生产健康作物如此重要的原因。

"The disease keeps on moving around wiping out garden after garden, so you will go to areas where you find they have changed from banana to annual crops. That has already introduced food insecurity, because they are not used to handling annual crops."


The central African nation already permits testing of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. Lawmakers are considering a bill that would permit the development and distribution of such organisms through out the country. But some activists say genetically modified organisms would be dangerous to human health and the environment.


Giregon Olupot is a soil biophysicist at Makerere University in Kampala.

Giregon Olupot是坎帕拉市马凯雷雷大学的一位土壤生物物理学家。

"There are a range of options that risk to be wiped [out], just by this technology. With bananas, tissue culture has worked well to engineer healthy plants. You then take these plants to a clean garden and maintain field hygiene. Why are we not giving emphasis to that technology?"


Most genetically modified seeds are patented, this means farmers must purchase them after each planting. Mr Olupot says, this might be possible for profitable farmers, but smaller farmers depend on their own seeds. In his opinion, selling genetically modified seeds to small farmers could trap them.


"If you are to go commercial, it has to be on a large scale. Now the farmers we are talking about, on average, have 0.4 hectares of land. It is simply not suitable for our farmers." 他说,“如果你要商业化就必须大规模。我们现在谈论的这些农民平均只有0.4公顷土地,所以它根本不适合我们这些农民。”

A public institution is developing Uganda's genetically modified bananas. NARO says no patent laws will restrict their use. But Mr Olupot says this would probably not be true with genetically modified crops introduced to Uganda in future. Mr Kiggundu says opponents of genetically modified plans have been strong in their criticisms. He says many farmers are now afraid of GMOs.


The Ugandan parliament is expected to pass the Biotechnology and Biosafety Bill before the end of the year.


篇三:文本(精选版) voa 美国之音 慢速英语

China Wages Diplomatic Offensive With Arab Countries

At a regular briefing Wednesday, spokesman Hong Lei gave details of phone conversations Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has had in recent days with the head of the Arab League, as well as counterparts from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Algeria.

He says Syria was the main topic of discussion.

Hong says the Chinese foreign minister urged the international community to create favorable conditions to provide humanitarian assistance to Syria.

He adds that Beijing values the role of the Arab League in resolving the crisis in Syria and is, in his words, "ready to work with Arab countries" to push for a peaceful settlement of the crisis as soon as possible.

The spokesman says China is deeply worried about the escalating violence in Syria. He had strong and direct words for the Syrian government, which many in the international community blame for killing its own people.

He says the Chinese government calls on all parties in Syria to stop the violence, singling out the Syrian government specifically. He adds that Beijing calls on the Syrian government to heed what he described as the "reasonable appeals of the Syrian people for reform."

The Chinese comments come as members of the United Nations Security Council are drafting a resolution on Syria that focuses on seeking an end to the fighting so that humanitarian aid can get to besieged towns.

China and Russia vetoed a U.N. resolution on February 4 that would have backed an Arab League proposal for the Syrian president to step down.

At the time, Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby said Russia and China have lost diplomatic credit in the Arab world because of their vetoes. China defended its decision by saying it was aimed at avoiding more casualties in Syria, even though the death toll there has continued to mount.

The Chinese spokesman did not say Wednesday whether his government would support any new U.N. resolutions, but only that any action the world body takes must abide by its charter.

Popular Culture Inspires Top US Baby Names

here's a better-than-random chance that babies born in the United States last year, 2010, were named "Bella" or "Edward."

Those were among the 10 most popular girls' and boys' names, respectively, and it was more than a coincidence that they are also leading characters in the wildly popular "Twilight" series of young adult novels and films about vampires.

The choice of baby names, you see, can be somewhat faddish.

Certain ones, such as "Tiffany" and "Justin," which were popular in the 1980s, become the rage, then fall from fashion.

The other day, a VOA staffer met a little boy, age two, named "Aiden." Our colleague had never heard that name. Turns out, Aiden is the most popular boy baby's name this year, as reported by the website. For what it's worth, Aiden was a leading character on the highly-rated TV show "Sex and the City."

It certainly does appear that pop culture influences Americans' choice of baby names. Isabella, the third-most-popular girl's name, for instance, may be an adaptation of Bella, the vampire lover in the "Twilight" movies. "Jacob" is in the top 10, too. That's the good-looking shape-shifter who phases into a wolf in the same series.

Curiously, "Sophia" ranks first among this year's girl-baby names, and "Ava" is fifth. Sophia Loren and Ava Gardner were glamorous actresses on the silver screen half a century ago.

But, as another colleague, who follows romance novels, told us, "Old-fashioned names, especially for girls, are big."

We should point out that the top-10 list of boy and girl names refers almost exclusively to white, non-Hispanic babies. You won't find many "Aidens" or "Masons" on the African-American and Latino baby-name lists.

Chinese Symbols Prove Popular in US

From the moment Spaniards - or Vikings, some would say - first dropped anchor and encountered the natives whom the Spanish called "Indians" because they thought they had arrived in India - the land now known as "America" has been a multicultural place.

And of course it's much more so today. Just check out our faces and dialects and music.

Our signs are getting more multicultural, too. We see them in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and more. Well, maybe it's Chinese.

Mandarin Chinese characters, called "Hanzi," are hot right now. They're a popular decoration on

clothing and artwork and tattoos.

(No doubt this boy or his parents thought this character translates as "samurai," but the character actually means "hemorrhoid" in English.)

Just ask Tian Tang, a 35-year-old Chinese-American engineer, who works for an Arizona company that makes electrical semiconductors. Since his graduate-school days, he has maintained a showing that an awful lot of the Chinese characters we see across America are just plain wrong.

Some are not even Chinese at all, but pretty little ink strokes that sort of look Chinese.

One of Tang's postings shows a colorful shirt decorated with a powerful, leaping tiger. Next to the beast are nine Chinese characters. But they translate into gibberish - words such as "unicorn" and "chicken." Not one of the characters has anything to do with tigers, or even cats.

Indeed, the characters on this sign do mean "blue bamboo," but they're upside down.

Other Hanzi, delicately tattooed onto a woman's back, translate as "crazy diarrhea." Surely this wasn't what she ordered from the tattoo artist.

So, America is a multicultural melting pot. But reading the signs doesn't always tell you who you're melting with.

"If people would stop making fools of themselves, my site would dry up," Tang says.

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