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2017-02-18 05:07:40 来源网站: 百味书屋




A:Good afternoon, Mrs. Brown. I've come to see Mr. Brown. A:下午好,布朗太太。我来看看布朗先生。

B:Good afternoon, Mr. Green.


A:Is he in?


B:I'm sorry, but he's not in, he's gone out on business.


A:Oh! I just drop in on him for a chat.


B:Please come in for a cup of coffee.


A:No, thank you. Please tell him to phone me when he comes back. A:不了,谢谢。他回来请让他给我打个电话。



1. What kind of people do you want to make friends with? How can you keep friendship alive?

龙(引题):we all know that we need friends, because we are people not God . But different people have different ideas about what kind of people they want to make friends with. Besides everyone should know how to keep friendship alive .Now let’s share our ideas about these topics.

林:ok. Everyone has his own friends.They always share their secrets with each other.of course, I also have my friends. I like making friends with someone who is helpful ,friendly and easy-going. In other words,I won't make friends with those who is over proud and selfish. What ahout you,吴?

吴:as for me ,friends are not noly someone we need but aslo we believed. My friend shoud be honest, generous, sloppy and have a sense of responsibility. Even if he can’t help me sometimes but he still accompany me. Once he has an opportunity to make a fortune, he will share with me.

陈:I need some friends who may make me fun and relaxation. No matter which friend , he mill be the first one who you want to talk to when you are in trouble . Friends would be good listener who allows you to show yourself in front of them. I need this kind of friend, because I always have some annoyance in my daily life.

龙:I wil make fiends with some people who can help me to achieve my gold. I believe that they can inspire me all the time and let me strengthen my strengths. Such a friend can also be called a tutor. they are so experienced in some areas that they can often provide me with a lot of suggestions in career, family, interpersonal relationships and other aspects.

林:I agree that.

吴:But what should we do if we want to keep our friendship alive? 陈:En~~~I think ,first of all, we should treat friends sincerely. Even we are cheated by one of our friends, we should keep sincere attitude to your other friends as well, not to trick people in turn. 林:yes, Based on my experience, it’s normal that there are some problem between friends. But we shouldn’t lost our confident on friends although one of your friends have hurt you once.

龙:besides,we should try our best to care about our friends. We should care for all sorts of little things and all kinds of details about our friends.

吴:that’s right! As friends, we ought to be a good listener who listen to the mind from friends’heart when they are complaining. 陈:a friend in need is a friend indeed,if they are real friends we have no reason to hurt them. Cherish each other! Only in this way,will the friendship last forever.




1. do me a favor

“帮个忙”这句话也是超级常用英语口语,日常生活中要请人帮忙的情况很多,兴许是请人帮你拿一下东西,兴许是请人帮你带方便,都可以用上这句Do me a favor。要请人帮忙还有另一种说法,就是May I ask a favor of a you?,不过记得在别人帮完后,别忘了向人家说声谢谢!Could you do me a favor?或是Could you give me a hand?这算是比较正式而礼貌的讲法。有时候要请别人帮忙不太善意思说时,可能贼一点地说Could you do me a little favor?“能不能帮我一个小忙?”把对方弄上钩再说。

2. be way out of line

切实这句话从字面上就能够猜到它的意思了,out of line“越线”就是意指“逾矩、过火”;这条line可以把它当做界限、容忍范围看待。要特别介绍way的用法,这里是当副词用,就是“远远地、大大地、非常”的意思,属于夸张化的说法,比喻要形容“很高”,如果你觉得too high还不能描绘出你要抒发的高,你就可以在too high前加一个way,用way too high来形容。所以You're way out of line.就是“你切实是太过分了。”这句好朋友的英文口语表示要对方收敛一点,别太超过!

3. It's not to reason why, it's but to do and die.

这句好朋友的英文的意思就是“别问起因,只管去做”,原句应是Ours is not to reason why,ours is but to do and die.这是出自十九世纪的一首古,这里

的ours所指的是our responsibility“咱们的任务”,即是说“咱们的职责不是在问为什么,我们的职责就是鞠躬尽瘁去世而后已。”因而这句话的利用机遇,就是叫人废话少说,少开口、多做事,当然用来拍马屁时也蛮好用的,不妨参考看看!

4. I'm all ears.

通常美国人是说I'm all your ears.,来看看字面上的意思“我把所有的耳朵都给你了”稍作修饰后,不就是咱们中文里的“洗耳恭听”吗?假设你的挚友人失恋了来找你诉苦,此时你就可以贴心地说;来一句好朋友的英文I'm all your ears.,搞不好因此掳获美人心,从此过着幸福快乐的日子。

5. by all means

means是“方法、手段”,by all means是“必定、一定、无论如何”的意思,有of course“当然”之意,通常是加强语气之用。比方人家邀请你去吃饭,你就可以说I'll come by all means.“我一定会来的。”要留心的是,by any means同样也是“一定、无论如何”之意,然而通常用在否定句之中。还有一个词组by no means,这个的意思就是“绝不”

6. in my way of thinking

依字面上之意,是“以我思考的方式”,所以in my way of thinking就是“以我看来,就我而言”的意思。同样的意思,你也可以说as far as I'm

concerned,或者简单一点的in my opinion。这都是一种谦虚表白见解的方式,在发言之前先声名这纯属个人的主张。

7. What's this all about?

这句话的意思是“这是怎么回事?”相当于What's up with that?,这句也完全等于What happened?或是What's going on?等好朋友的英文说法,当你搞不清楚状况时,这多少句话都可以为你除疑解惑。不外用What's this all about?来寻求解答时,是比拟想知道事件的来龙去脉,而不仅只是想晓得发生什么事罢了。

8. a sight for soar eyes

这句好朋友的英文是美语中一个书面语化的说法,“看到你真是消除眼睛疲劳”意思就是“人见人爱的悦目之物”,白话一点就是“见到你真好”,有点像是见到救星的那种感到,或者是看到很久不见的友人,也可以用上这一句话。比如说你刚吃完一顿大餐,酒足饭饱之余才发现没带钱,正当不知所措准备进厨房洗碗时,看到了好友就在别桌用餐,总算露出一线活气,你就可以跟你的朋友说:You are a sight for soar eyes.9. get a word in

  • 英语日常会话-碰到朋友

    英语口语对话:拜访朋友dialogue英语情景对话A:Goodafternoon,Mrs Brown IvecometoseeMr Brown A:下午好,布朗太太。我来看看布朗先生。B:Goodafternoon,Mr Green B:下午好...
