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2017-02-18 05:01:29 来源网站: 百味书屋





bliss n. 好福气,天福



brisk a. 敏捷的,轻快的



boudoir n. 闺房



bum n. 屁股



caprice n. 怪想法



cast vt. 投,扔,抛



chide v. 责备,骂



dapple v.(使…)有斑点



dearth n. 饥荒,饥馑



elf n. 淘气鬼,小玩皮



frown vi. 皱眉



giddy a. 轻佻的



gloomy a. 郁闷,阴郁



ignorance n. 无知,愚昧



insane a. 精神错乱的



languid a. 倦怠的,无精打采的



lean vi.倾斜,屈身



lisp n.& v. 口齿不清


loaf v. 混日子,鬼混



needy a. 贫困的



oust vt. 轰,撵



pauper n. 贫民,穷人



pert a. 不客气的



pinch v. 拧,捏



prig n. 自命不凡者



pore vi. 钻研



repent v. 后悔,懊悔



spur v.刺激



sprain vt.& n. 扭伤


urbane a. 有礼貌的,文雅的



waif n. 无家可归者,流浪儿童



weird a. 不可思议的,奇怪的




第01 课

-------------------- 第001 讲( 北京大学刘莉 Linda)----------------

Akademeia [7AkE5di:mjE] 古希腊雅典附近的一片 森林

→ (后来,柏拉图在Akademeia 开办了学校)academy

[E5kAdEmi] 专科学校,研究会,学会

the Academy 柏拉图的哲学思想

Academy Awards 奥斯卡金像奖最初的名字→ Oscar Awards

→ academic [7AkE5demik] 学院的,理论的

I like to teach, because I like the academic calendar. 我喜欢教书,因为我喜欢学校里安排的作息。 This question is academic. 这个问题不切实际。 able [5eibl] 有能力的,能干的

He is able to do this job well. 他有能力做好这件工作。 → enable [i5neibl] 使?能够

This student ID enables me to travel half price on train.


→ unable [5Qn5eibl] 不能的,不会的

He was unable to catch the school bus. 他没能赶上 校车。

→ disable [dis5eibl] 使无能,(更多的是指人的一部分肢 体)丧失能力

→ ability [E5biliti] 能力,本领

Without real ability, you can’t establish yourself in society.


→ disability [7disE5biliti] 无能,残疾

--------------------第002 讲(北京大学王子涵 Miranda)---------------

action [5AkFEn] 行动,功能→ out of action 失去 功能,失去效用

Can I borrow your bike? Mine is out of action! 我能借你的自行车用一下吗?我的坏掉了!

→ interaction [7intEr5AkFEn] 相互作用,(如果相互间 没有协作好,则会带来)干扰

There should be more interaction between you and your partner!


→ act [Akt]

①(n.) 行为辨指一次性的活动,而action 指的


a man of action 活动家

②(v.) 行为,见效

Does the drug take long time to act? 药会很久才 起作用吗?

③扮演,装作→ act the part of 扮演?角色

Oh, I know him. He acted the part of 007. 哦, 我知道他,他扮演过007!

act for 代理

A lawyer acts for his client. 律师代表他的客户。 → actor [5AktE] 男演员

→ actress [5Aktris] 女演员

→ ①active [5Aktiv] 积极的, 活跃的→ active member 积极分子;He is active. 他很活跃。

→ activity [Ak5tiviti] 活跃,活力

What s day full of activity! 多么热闹的一天


→ ②actual [5AktjuEl] 实际的,真实的→ actual cost 真实价值

→ actually [5AktFuEli] 实际上,事实上

This is not very expensive, actually, it is very cheap!


→ ③react [ri5Akt] 反应,反作用

react against 反抗

People react against the aggressor! 人民反抗侵 略者。

react on 对?有影响

How do the acids react on the metals? 酸对金属 会起什么作用?

→ reaction [ri(:)5AkFEn] 反应,反作用

What was your father’s reaction when you told him the news?



How did your father react when you told him

the news?

→ ④exact [i^5zAkt] 准确的,精确的

The program starts at 7 o’clock everyday to be exact.

每天晚上7 点钟这个节目肯定会准时播出。

→ exactly [i^5zAktli] 确切地,恰恰正是

Oh, thank you uncle! This is exactly what I

have always wanted!


→ ⑤agent [5eidVEnt] 代理人(ag 是act 的变体) → agency [5eidVEnsi] 代理处,中介

the job agency 职业介绍所

The agency is the place where the agent


Agency 就是代理人工作的地方。

-------------------- 第003 讲( 清华大学郭斌 Taylor)--------------------

one adds one 1 加1 [Ad]

If you add one to two, you get three. 1 加2 等于3。 add up 合计,加起来

Add up all the numbers. 把所有数字加起来。

add up to 合计达到,总数为

All the numbers add up to 100. 所有的数字加起来总 和是100。

→ ad [Ad] 广告( 原形是advertisement


→ addition [E5diFEn] 加法,附加物

in addition 另外

We went shopping and in addition saw a movie. 除 了买东西,我们还看了场电影。

in addition to 除?之外(还有)

In addition to going shopping, we saw a movie. 除 了买东西,我们还看了场电影。

→ additional [E5diFEnl] 附加的,追加的

In addition to the words above, I will teach you some additional new words.


air [ZE] 空气

on the air 广播;leave in the air 使悬而未决

by air 坐飞机→ airport [5ZEpC:t] 机场;airplane

[5ZE7plein] 飞机;airline [5ZElain] 航线

The airplane from the airport flies along its airline. 从机场上开出的飞机,沿着航线飞行。

aero [5ZErEu] 航空的

→ aeroplane [5ZErEplein] 飞机; aerospace

[5ZErEuspeis] 宇宙空间,太空


all [C:l] 所有的,一切,全部

all of you 所有人,大家

All men want to live long, but all men must die. 所有的人都想长寿,但是人终有一死。

→ above all 首先(文章、演讲的开头)

after all 毕竟,终究

After all I am still a child! 毕竟我还只是个孩子! all in all 总体上,总的来说

All in all, my condition is greatly improved. 总体上 来说,我的状况是大为好转。

all over 到处、遍及

Traveling all over the world is my dream. 我的梦想 就是能够周游世界。

at all 丝毫,根本(常用于否定句中)

I don’t like this pen at all. 我一点也不喜欢这支钢 笔。

→ almost [5C:lmEust] 几乎,差不多

I have almost finished my homework. 我差不多就 完成家庭作业了。

It is almost twelve o’clock. 快到12 点了。 → also [5C:lsEu] 也,同样,而且

He could speak Chinese, English and also Japanese. 他会说汉语、英语和日语。

→ although [C:l5TEu] 尽管,虽然

辨although 表示“尽管,虽然”的意思时,语气 比though 更强一些,而且

although 必须放在句首。

Although I look ugly, I am very tender. 我很丑,但 我很温柔。

→ altogether [7C:ltE5^eTE] 完全,总而言之

There are 40 teachers in our school altogether. 我 们学校总共有40 位老师。

→ always [5C:lwEz, 5C:lweiz] 一直,永远

The sun always rises in the east. 太阳总是从东方 升起。

I shall always love you. 我会永远爱你。= I will love you forever.

alt 词根表“高”

→ altimeter [5Altimi:tE] 高度测量仪,高度表 → altitude [5Altitju:d] 高度

注意不要混淆“attitude 态度”和“aptitude 适 当,恰当,聪明”。


alter [5C:ltE] 改变,变更

The weather alters almost daily. 天气几乎天天都在 变。

→ 辨alter, change, shift:

alter 改变(某些方面出现了变化,总体的性质


change [tFeindV] 改变(完全地更换成另外一


Changing one word alters the meaning of the

entire sentence.


shift [Fift] 转换(特指性质、方向、位置等方

面的变化,而且一定与in 连用)

A sudden shift in wind suggests a coming storm. 风向的突然改变暗示着一场暴风雨。

day shift 白班;night shift 夜班

→ alternate [5C:ltE:nit] (两者间的)交替,轮流 The weather alternates between rain and sunshine. 天气一会儿下雨,一会儿晴。

alternate [C:l5tE:nit] 间隔的,轮流的

On alternate days, I have homework. 每隔一天, 我有家庭作业。

→ alternative [C:l5tE:nEtiv] 选择性的,二选一的 We have no alternative but leave. 我们别无选择, 只能离开。

example [i^5zB:mpl, i^5zAm-] 例子,实例,模范 for example 例如

This church is a fine example of Norman architecture. 这所教堂是典型的诺曼式建筑。

→ sample [5sAmpl] 样品,实例

a free sample of perfume 香水免费赠品

sampling 抽样调查

→ prompt [prCmpt] 及时的、敏捷的

What prompts you to do such a thing? 是什么促使 你做这件事情呢?

-------------------- 第006 讲( 清华大学郭斌 Taylor)--------------------

anger [5AN^E] 愤怒,使恼火;angry [5AN^ri] 愤 怒的

The student angers the teacher. 学生激怒了老师。 The boss was angry because of the employee. 老板因 为某个雇员而生气。




Academia [ .?k?'di:mj? ]古希腊雅典附近的一片森林(后来,柏拉图在Akademeia开办了学校) -> academy专科学校、研究会、学会 -> the Academy柏拉图的哲学思想

->(奥斯卡金像奖最初的名字)Academy Awards ->

Oscar Awards

-> academic学院的、理论的

I like to teach, because I like the academic calendar.


This question is academic. 这个问题不切实际。(从此例句可知,academic偏贬义。) able [ 'eibl ] 有能力的、能干的

He is able to do this job well. 他有能力做好这件工作。

-> enable使?能够

This student ID enables me to travel half price on train.

这个学生证使我乘火车能享受半价。 -> unable不能的、不会的

He was unable to catch the school bus. 他没能赶上校车。

-> disable使无能、丧失能力 -> ability能力、本领

Without real ability, you can’t establish yourself in


没有真本领,人们无法立足于社会。 ? disability无能、残疾


action [ '?k??n ]行动、功能

out of action失去功能、失去效用,Can I borrow your bike? Mine is out of action!


自行车用一下吗?我的坏掉了! -> interaction相互作用、(如果相互间没有协作好,则会带来)干扰

There should be more interaction between you

and your partner!


-> act(n.)行为(指一次性的活动,而action指的是多次的活动) a man of action活动家 act(v.)行为、见效

A lawyer acts for his client. 律师代表他的客户。(act for代理)

Does the drug take long time to act? 药会很久才起作用吗?

act扮演、装作,act the part of扮演?角色

Oh, I know him. He acted the part of 007. 哦,我知道他,他扮演过007! -> actor男演员 -> actress女演员

-> ①active积极的、活跃的,active member积极分子,He is active. 他很活跃。 activity活跃、活力

What s day full of activity! 多么热闹的一天啊! -> actual②实际的、真实的,actual cost真实价值actually实际上、事实上

This is not very expensive, actually, it is very cheap!

它一点也不贵,事实上,便宜着呢! -> react③反应、反作用

react against反抗

People react against the aggressor! 人民反抗侵略者。

react on对?有影响

How do the acids react on the metals? 酸对金属会起什么作用?


What was your father’s reaction when you told him the news?



How did your father react when you told him the news?

-> ④exact准确的、精确的

The program starts at 7 o’clock everyday to be exact.

每天晚上7点钟这个节目肯定会准时播出。exactly确切地、恰恰正是 Oh, thank you uncle! This is exactly what I have always wanted!

哦,谢谢叔叔,这正是我所想要的! -> ⑤agent代理人(ag是act的一种变形) agency代理处、中介,the job agency职业介绍所

The agency is the place where the agent works. Agency就是代理人工作的地方。 第3讲 one adds one1加1

If you add one to two, you get three. 1加2等于3。 add up合计、加起来

Add up all the numbers. 把所有数字加起来。 add up to合计达到、总数为

All the numbers add up to 100. 所有的数字加起来总和是100。

-> ad广告(原形是advertisement) -> addition加法、附加物 in addition另外

We went shopping and in addition saw a movie. 除了买东西,我们还看了场电影。 in addition to除?之外(还有)

In addition to going shopping, we saw a movie. 除了买东西,我们还看了场电影。 -> additional附加的、追加的

In addition to the words above, I will teach you some additional new words.

除了以上单词,我将教给你们一些新单词。 air [ ?? ] 空气

on the air广播,leave in the air使悬而未决, -> by air坐飞机 -> airport机场,airplane飞机,airline航线

The airplane from the airport flies along its airline.

从机场上开出的飞机,沿着航线飞行。 aero [ '??r?u ]航空的

? aeroplane飞机,aerospace宇宙空间、太空


all所有的、一切、全部,all of you所有人、大家 All men want to live long, but all men must die. 所有的人都想长寿,但是人终有一死。 -> above all首先(文章、演讲的开头)

after all毕竟、终究

After all I am still a child! 毕竟我还只是个孩子!

all in all总体上、总的来说

All in all, my condition is greatly improved. 总体上来说,我的状况是大为好转。 all over到处、遍及

Traveling all over the world is my dream. 我的梦想就是能够周游世界。

at all丝毫、根本(常用于否定句中)

I don’t like this pen at all. 我一点也不喜欢这支钢笔。

-> almost几乎、差不多(表达作者一种还不完满的遗憾)

I have almost finished my homework. 我差不多就完成家庭作业了。

It is almost twelve o’clock. 快到12点了。 -> also也、同样、而且 He could speak Chinese,

English and also Japanese. 他会说汉语、英语和日语。

-> although尽管、虽然(although表示“尽管、虽然”的意思时,语气比though更强一些,而且although必须放在句首)

Although I look ugly, I am very tender. 我很丑,但


-> altogether完全、总而言之

There are 40 teachers in our school altogether. 我们学校总共有40位老师。 -> always一直、永远

The sun always rises in the east. 太阳总是从东方升起。

I shall always love you. 我会永远爱你。(=I will love you forever.) alt“高”的意思 -> altimeter高度测量仪、高度表 -> altitude高度



alter [5C:ltE](古拉丁语中是“其它的东西”的意思)改变、变更(某些方面出现了变化,总体的性质并没有改变)

The weather alters almost daily. 天气几乎天天都在变。

-> change改变(完全地更换成另外一个东西)

Changing one word alters the meaning of the entire sentence.



A sudden shift in wind suggests a coming storm.

风向的突然改变暗示着一场暴风雨。 day shift白班;night shift夜班

-> alternate[重音在第一音节时](两者间的)交替、轮流 The weather alternates between rain and sunshine. 天气一会儿下雨,一会儿晴。

alternate [重音在第二音节时]间隔的、轮流的 On alternate days, I have homework. 每隔一天,我有家庭作业。

-> alternative选择性的、二选一的

We have no alternative but leave. 我们别无选择,只能离开。

example [ ig'zɑ:mpl, ig'z?m- ]例子、实例、模范,for example例如

This church is a fine example of Norman architecture. 这所教堂是典型的诺曼式建筑。 -> sample样品、实例,a free sample of perfume香水免费赠品


-> prompt及时的、敏捷的

What prompts you to do such a thing? 是什么促使你做这件事情呢?


Anger [5AN^E] 愤怒、使恼火,angry [5AN^ri]愤怒的 The student angers the teacher. 学生激怒了老师。 The boss was angry because of the employee. 老板因为某个雇员而生气。 -> rage暴怒、狂怒

The rage of him astounds us greatly. 他暴怒的样子把我们给吓坏了。 -> anxious着急的、焦虑的、盼望的、渴望的(与“worry”相近)

be anxious about为某人(事)担心(=be worry about)

I am anxious about the exam result. 我为考试结果而担忧。

anxiety担忧、焦虑 -> angle角度、角(注意不要与“angel天使”混淆,lovely

little angel活泼可爱的小天使),triangle三角形 -> animal动物 -> deer鹿,rabbit兔子,donkey

毛驴 -> animation动画片、活泼、有生机 -> animate生机勃勃的

I like animate animals and I enjoy watching animation.

我喜欢看卡通片,喜欢有生气的动物。 You will be animate. 你就会生机勃勃。



argue [5B:^ju:]争论、争辩、说服(argu清楚、明亮),着重说理、论证,是要说服对方。 Just do what you are told,don’t argue with me. 照我说的去做,别跟我争。 -> argument争论、争辩

They are always having argument about money. 他们总是为了钱而争吵。

debate辩论、争论,双方各抒己见,产生激烈的交锋。 dispute争论,争论非常激烈,双方相持不下,无法解决问题。

-> (无法解决因此需要仲裁)arbitrate[ 'ɑ:bitreit ] 仲裁、作出公断(arbitr判断、裁决) arbitrate the dispute对争端进行仲裁

arbitrate between the two parties在双方之间进行仲裁

-> arbitrator仲裁员

-> arbitrary随心所欲的、独裁的、专断的 architecture [ 'ɑ:kitekt?? ] 建筑学 -> architect建筑师

adapt [ ?'d?pt ] ①使?适应 ②改编

① Adapt yourself to new customs. 入乡随俗。

The author is adapting his novel for television. ②作者正将他的小说改编成电视剧。 -> adaptable能适应的、可修改的 -> adaptability适应性、适应能力


arm [B:m]手臂

arm in arm手挽着手

We are walking happily arm in arm. 我们两个手挽着手,快乐地走着。

-> armful(一)怀抱的、(一)抱的 an armful of flowers一怀抱的鲜花 -> army军队、(一)大群

an army of ants一大群蚂蚁 -> alarm警报、惊恐

This news fills me with alarm. 这个消息让我提高了警惕。

art [B:t]艺术、技巧、技艺

The art of writing is disappearing. 手写信件正在消失。

-> artist艺术家

Monet is a great impressionism artist. 莫奈是一位了不起的印象派艺术家。 -> artistic艺术的 A:I grew up with music around me. 我是在音乐声中长大的。

B:Oh, you come from an artistic family. 哦,你来自一个充满艺术氛围的家庭。 -> artificial人工的、人造的

artificial flower假花 -> article文章、条款


astronomy [ ?'str?n?mi ] 天文学(astro星星、宇宙) -> astronaut宇航员(naut航行的人) disaster灾难(aster星星,隐含星象不好的含义),tragedy悲剧

The death of seven astronauts was a disaster, and such tragedy shocked the whole

world. 七名宇航员的丧生是一场大的灾难,这个悲剧震惊了世界。

-> atmosphere大气层、空气(atmo气体,sphere球体)

-> atmospheric大气的、大气层的 audible [ '?:dib?l ]听得见的

-> audience听众、听?讲话的人(也含有“观众”的意思)

The audiences were angry because the voice of the

singer was not audible.

歌手的声音听众听不到,大家都很生气。 -> author作家、作者 -> authority权威、威信、官方 -> auto自动

-> automobile汽车 -> car、bus、truck -> automatic自动的、机械的


back [bAk]背、后面、向后、后退 back and forth来回的、反复的

They are walking back and forth along the corridor. 他们在走廊上来回踱步。

turn one’s back on轻视、不理睬;turn one’s back on sb.不理睬某人、轻视某人 -> background后台、背景 -> backward向后的、相反的

go backward倒退、退步 -> feedback回授、回馈、反应 awful [5C:ful]可怕的、糟透的 What awful weather! 天气真是糟透了! -> awfully非常、很、十分

an awfully hard rain特别大的雨

Thanks awfully for your help. 十分感谢你的帮助。 ball [bC:l]球、球状物 threw a snow-ball扔雪球 -> eye-ball眼球

-> basketball篮球;volleyball排球 -> balloon气球

-> bullet子弹(bul是ball的一种变体)


band [bAnd]带子、乐队、中波、短波

I keep my pens together with this band. 我把我的钢笔用这个皮筋捆起来。

a band of robbers一群强盗

band together to do something一群人在一起做? band together to protest在一起抗议 -> strap腰带

-> abandon放弃(永久地放弃,尤其是放弃以前感兴趣的、负有责任的人或物) He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money.

他抛弃了妻子,还带走了所有的钱。 -> quit放弃(突然或出人意料地放弃,通常指“使?停止”)

Quitter never wins, and winner never quits. 总是放弃的人永远成功不了,成功的人从不放弃。 bind


-> bound①界限、限制

bound for去哪里(比较书面一点的用法) A:Where are you bound for? 你去哪里啊? B:I am bound for home. 我回家。 bound to表示事物发展的趋势

Someone feel that newspapers are bound to fall into disuse.


②跳来跳去 -> bounce弹跳

I want the ball to bounce over the net, but it always

bounced over the

defence! 我想把球打过网,可是球总是飞出护栏!

-> boundary界限(通常指国家、文化间的界限) A well command of English can help me to communicate across cultural boundaries

with foreigners. 学好英语能帮助我跨越文化的界限与外国人交流。

-> border界限(含义比boundary更广)

  • 英语词汇立体记忆

