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2016-10-19 13:25:52 来源网站: 百味书屋



The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies

The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies

Each year, millions of Chinese college students sit for qualifying examinations for

graduate studies, primarily in Master’s programs. Students prepare for those examinations either through years of arduous self-education or by spending large sums of money attending local

training schools. The publishing of examinations-related study materials and the training programs offered, both online and offline, have combined to form a sizable industry.

An alarming fact about this craze is that most students pursue graduate studies not out of their voluntary will. Faced with the harsh reality in the employment market, which is forever

looking for graduates with higher degrees, many college graduates find going to graduate schools is a good way to avoid unemployment and to enhance one’s competitiveness in future job hunting.

However, without that voluntary initiative, most students who do enter graduate schools are not motivated. For them, the only thing that ultimately counts is the degree or the diploma which they expect could give them an upper hand against other job hunters. As to the actual

substance of their graduate studies, it’s not a big deal for them, as long as it leads to that degree or diploma. It is really pathetic to see that students undertake graduate studies with an ulterior

motive—not for the sake of loving what they study, but for the sake of merely landing a job, which in many cases might be uelated to what they have studied.

The chill truth is that students soon find their anticipations are a mere dream. As so many undergraduates proceed onto graduate studies, the employment situation remains as severe as ever. Instead of bringing about apparent competitive edges, two or three years of additional academic training is simply a waste of time and energy. They need to reflect on this craze and would have been better off distinguishing themselves with outstanding knowledge and skills when they were undergraduates.

考 研 热






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled College Students on the Job Market. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.




Upon graduation, virtually all college students confront the problem of choosing. It is truly a tough choice. Student's opinions differ greatly on this issue. Some hold that priority should be given to their interest in the job, but others take the attitude that salary is the most critical factor influencing choices.

As for myself, I prefer the latter view. A well-paid job exerts a tremendous fascination on great number of people, with no exception to me. Although it might be impossible to measure the value of one's job in terms of money. Salary counts most when I choose my future career. In my veiw our career largely depend on how and where we have been brought up. I come from a poor urban family and my parents are both laid-off workers. In order to finance my tuition, they have been working hard over the past four years. As the only son in my family, I have to shoulder the burden of supporting my family.

In short, salary is the first consideration in my choice of career.


Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Unhealthy Habits of College Students. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:





It can be noticed that there are some unhealthy living habits among young people,

especially college students. Typical examples include staying up late, being addicted to games, consuming in an inappropriate way. Thus, due attention should be paid to students’ daily habits.

Apparently, these bad habits may generate negative impacts. To begin with, they may impair students’ physical health and psychological fitness. In addition, what worries many teachers is that they may also exert negative influences on students’ academic performance. To conclude, never can we turn a blind eye to these phenomena.

In view of the seriousness of this issue, it is time that we took effective measure. Firstly, it is suggested that universities or colleges should cultivate students’ awareness of healthy living. Secondly, students themselves are well-advised to learn to regulate and control their own life appropriately. Only by doing so, can we hope to see the ideal scenes in which students enjoy their colorful and healthy life in Ivory Tower. (162 words)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled College Students on the Job Market. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.




There is a growing tendency nowadays that children in mounting numbers own mobile phones. Does anyone hold the same attitude towards this phenomenon? Definitely not. Actually, opinions vary from person to person.

Some emphasize the merits(优点) of children’s using mobile phones, they hold that children can contact with their parents or friends conveniently especially when they are confronted with (面对)difficulties or dangers. Moreover, mobile phones equipped with (装配有)various interesting games are also a convenient source of recreation and relaxation (娱乐和放松的来源)for children who have been under an enormous pressures from an overload of studies (承担过量学业的压力). On the contrary, a majority of people hold that mobile phones are detrimental to (对…有害)children. For one thing, children’s being addicted to(孩子们对…的沉溺)mobile phones is nothing but a waste of their precious and limited time, which will definitely interfere with (影响)their studies. Additionally, radiation from mobile phone will exert a detrimental impact on (对…产生有害的影响)children’s body health.

From my perspective,it is not advisable that children should bring mobile phones. It is unbelievable that some students carry mobile phones just for the purpose of(目的)killing their precious time instead of keeping in touch with their parents regularly. The supposed helpful (本应该有利的)tool has become harmful. Accordingly, children should concentrate their time and energy on studies,those which might become distractions should not be introduced to them. 217words


Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Lessen Stress in Your Life.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.




Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic:Travel-mate Wanted.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:


2016年6月英语四级六级作文预测:不文明行为 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Immoral Behaviors in Public. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:

1. 我们经常在公共场合见到各种不文明的行为,叙述你的一次相关经历;

2. 这些不文明行为会有哪些影响;

3. 我们应该怎样改善这种现象。

Immoral Behaviors in Public We have all seen or experienced it before---those inappropriate and often unsanitary actions which disgust and annoy most cultured people in society. Spitting, littering, peeing in public---all these and others fall into this category. I personally had the embarrassing experience one late night of seeing a man peeing alongside the river. He was not embarrassed at all.

Such inappropriate public behavior has a terrible effect on society. For one thing, most unsanitary behavior can spread germs and diseases to the general public. For another, they contribute to the pollution of the environment and show little or no consideration for the environment.

We must take steps as a society to improve this situation. Our government should sponsor public announcements and advertisements to emphasize the cultural inappropriateness of this kind of behaviors. Our schools and teachers should teach and enforce acceptable standards for all students. And in the home, parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles should all work together to teach the children what is right by example.


Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled On the Restraint of Spending. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:

1. 现在许多大学生花钱大手大脚;

2. 有人认为社会整体生活水平提高了,大学生花钱多一些无可厚非;

3. 我的观点。










College Students’ Job Hunting

Nowadays, the employment of college students is becoming more and more of a problem. About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after graduation, while the things are quite different at present. In addition, according to statistics, about 30% of graduate students can’t find a job but stay at home after graduation.

Employment difficulty of college students is due to the following reasons. Among these, the increasing recruitment of colleges and universities plays a vital role. In addition, many colleges and universities fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy.

Considering the seriousness of unemployment of college students, I think it is high time that we took effective measures to solve the problem. Above all, college students should realize their own defects and further improve themselves to keep their competitive edge in society. Moreover, colleges or universities should provide more trainings and internship opportunities before the students enter the society. Besides, college students should hold a right attitude towards jobs and set their job expectations at a suitable level. Only through these ways can the college students find a satisfactory job and have a brighter future.


. 1)现在很多漂亮的女孩子尽管没有很强的能力仍能找到很好的工作,因此一些人得出结论说外貌比能力更重要






Is Good Appearance More Important than Capability?

Old people often tell the young, “Don’t judge a person by his appearance”, meaning capability is more important than appearance. However, nowadays, with more interviewers putting emphasis on looks and the appearance of the applicants, a lot of people come to the conclusion that appearance is more important than capability.

As for me, I can’t agree with this argument. Good appearance is pleasant, but capability is more important, because it demonstrates one’s self-cultivation and practical values. It shows the

efforts and the glory of acquiring something through one’s hard work whereas good looks bespeak no struggle of the individual. Besides, maybe sometimes a beautiful face can help a girl acquire a good position, but in the long run it is her talent not her look that really works in her career development.

Therefore, those without good appearance needn’t feel depressed because one’s success depends on his capability; those with good appearance have to work hard since good appearance cannot bring a person final success.


. 1)随着互联网的普及和应用,网络犯罪开始摆在世人面前







Cyber Crimes

With the popularization of Internet, cyber crimes have become a serious problem facing us. Nowadays cyber criminals seem to be everywhere on the Internet. To illustrate, some commit fraud or lift intellectual property, others snatch passwords or disrupt e-commerce, and still others unleash viruses to crash computers. As a result, these crimes destroy network security greatly and make computer users suffer great losses.

However, we shouldn’t tolerate these cyber criminals any more. It’s high time for us to take effective measures to fight against cyber crimes. First, we should reinforce the cyber laws to punish cyber criminals strictly. Moreover, we should develop high techniques as soon as possible to improve intrusion detection and prevent cyber crimes. Besides, more talented people should be trained and more effective firewalls should be built up so as to make the net immune to all kinds of viruses.

As college students, we have responsibility to join the battle against cyber crimes. For one thing, we should not use others’ computers unless we get permission. For another, we should be honest to others on the Internet and not release or spread ueal information. In a word, it takes our common efforts to defeat cyber crimes.


. 1)近几年兴起了一股报考国家公务员的热潮







Test for National Civil Servants

In recent years, there are more and more people who have participated in the test for national civil servants. Millions of students choose civil servant as their most ideal occupation after graduation. And among them, the high-educated, like masters and doctors, take quite a large percentage. The craze in civil servant test has attracted widespread attention.

The following reasons can account for this kind of craze. Above all, nowadays college students face great employment pressure. Civil servant, as one of the most stable professions in today’s China, becomes their preferable choice. Moreover, in recent years, the welfare and salary of civil servants have been improved greatly, which undoubtedly attracts many people. Besides, the high social position of civil servants is an important factor drawing many people to take part in the civil servant test.

In my opinion, this craze in civil servant test will continue in the following years. However, from the long run, it doesn’t do good to the development of the nation. If most high quality talents gather in the government departments, it might lead to a waste of resources. Therefore, both the individuals and the government should have a more objective recognition of the civil servant test craze.








The Popularity of Blog

In recent years, blog has become very popular. More and more people have created their own blogs and often visit others’ blogs. They use blog to reveal their inner voice, or collect and share thoughts and things they find interesting. In brief, blog is an online dairy or a frequently updated personal page.

Why does blog become so popular in such a short time? Firstly, it is the widespread of Internet that provides a platform for the appearance and popularity of blog. Secondly, anyone can create his own blog as he wishes. Blog has no fixed rules and needn’t professional knowledge and skills, which enables millions of people to have a voice and connect with others. Thirdly, blog covers all kinds of topics from daily life to political forums, from individual thoughts to world events. Among millions of blogs, you can always find something you are interested in.

However, blog has some problems. For one thing, plagiarism in blog is not unusual. The protection of blog copyright cannot be guaranteed. For another, many blog contents are in a mess, and some even include unhealthy things. Therefore, blog still has a long way to go before it becomes mature.


. 1)现在很多年轻人每个月都把自己赚的钱花光,他们被称作“月光族”






The Moonlight Clan

Nowadays, more and more people, especially the young are joining in the army of “the moonlight clan”. These people exhaust their earnings every month without any savings. Many people think this is a fashionable life style, while other people object to this kind of consumption style.

Weighing these two arguments, I prefer the latter one. In my eyes, though “the moonlight clan” may acquire temporary satisfaction from their consumption, in the long term, it is unfavorable to their family and career. Just as a proverb says, one should always prepare for a rainy day. Those who support “the moonlight clan” think that “the moonlight clan” knows how to enjoy life and have a higher life quality. However, other people criticize “the moonlight clan”.

They say that the consumption habit of “the moonlight clan” is unhealthy and sometimes wasteful. In addition, no savings will place “the moonlight clan” in a difficult position in case of unexpected expenses.

. 热点作文15

. 1)近来,许多经典名著被改写成各种版本以供大众娱乐







The Adaptation of the Classics

Nowadays many classics are being adapted in many ways, which has aroused great concern. In those adapted works, all plots are changed and all characters become somewhat watered down. In addition, some familiar characters in the classics have been distorted. There are many reasons accounting for this phenomenon.

Among all these reasons, readers’ preference plays a critical role. Moreover, the concept of creativity is prevailing in every aspect. Besides, the improved living standard enables people to pursue and enjoy more choices of entertainments including the adaptations of the classics. All these above reasons contribute to the adaptation of the classics.

As far as I am concerned, the adaptation of the classics does more harm than good. For one thing, since the classical literature is the representation of the outstanding art of China, the act of

adapting may ruin its charm. For another, those adapted works may confuse with history. Therefore, the real classics should be presented on the bookshelves to lead people to appreciate the real art.



.. 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票







Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries?

Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them?

As far as I am concerned, there are some risks in buying lotteries. People never should count on making big money most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight.

by buying lotteries. Furthermore, lotteries to some extent are similar to gambling, so people should not spend too much money and energy on them. In a word, people should keep a clear head when buying lotteries. The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all,In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun.





For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss should we entirely depend on online shopping. You can give examples to illustrate your point. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Online Shopping

What vivid and thought-provoking pictures! We see, in the first picture, that a woman holding a computer is paying for something with delight since she is led to believe shopping on the internet is saving, while in the second picture, we see that a man is going crazy for all his money is took away by the computer.

With the development of science and technology, it is much more common for people to buy goods through different kinds of media than before,

especially the internet. Shopping online is welcomed by most people due to various reasons. From the perspective of consumers, it can save time or money for people. For retailers, it can cut costs for those without much circulating

funds. However, there are still some defects in online shopping. First, compared with face-to-face deal, it seems less reliable and trustworthy. Second, people will lose the fun of bargaining and lose their money silently.

In my view, although online shopping brings great convenience to us, we still should be careful when we “go shopping” on the internet. We should check the information released by the merchant. Only in this way can we fully enjoy the convenience brought by online shopping without the concern of being cheated.



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the

topic “If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.” Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Peter Buck,a famous American female writer,once said “if you want to

understand today, you have to search yesterday.” Evidently, it is meant to tell us the significant influence of history to this day and age or the intimate relationship between past and present.

Actually, examples proving it are abounded in our daily life. Here I can think of no better illustration of the proverb than the experience of students. In terms of English examination, taking CET-6 as an example, we students prefer to bone up on the past examination papers first in order to pass the exam successfully. Taking a look around, we can also find examples too many to enumerate. It is no denying to say that“Histories make men wise”( Francis Bacon ).

To sum up, we may say that if you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday. So, one should not indulge himself in confusion for today and complaint the setbacks he is facing. What he really has to do is to slow down and seek inspiration or solution in his past. In a word, sometimes the best way to go forward is to look backward.

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