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2016-12-02 11:43:21 来源网站:百味书屋




There was a guy who went into a shop to buy a parrot. There werethree parrots in the shop. One was $5,000; another one, $10,000; and the third one, $30,000. The customer asked the owner, “How come this guy is $5,000? That?s so expensive for this kindof parrot.” The owner said, “Because I have trained him and he can talk.” So the customer asked him, “How about this guy? What can he do that makes him so expensive?” The owner said, “Well, apart from talking, he can also do some amusing actions,like dancing and so on. That?s why he?s so expensive.” Then the customer said, “How about the third one? What canhe do that makes him so expensive?” The owner of the shopsaid, “I don?t know. Normally, I have never heard him talk, nor dance, nor whistle, nor sing, nothing at all! But the other two call him ?The Boss.?”

老板最大 有个人到一间商店买鹦鹉。店里有三只鹦鹉,其中一只卖五千元,另一只卖一万元,还有一只卖三万元。顾客问老板:「为什么这只要卖五千元?这个价钱对这种鹦鹉来说太贵了!」老板说:「因为我有训练他讲话。」顾客又问:「那这只呢?他会做什么?为什么要卖这么贵?」老板说:「他除了会说话之外,还会表演一些有趣的动作,好比说跳舞等等,所以才卖这么贵。」顾客接着又问:「那第三只呢?他会做什么?为什么要卖这么贵?」老板说:「我不知道。我从没听过他讲话、吹口哨或唱歌,也没看过他跳舞,什么都没有!不过另外两只叫他:『老板!』」

2. Where is the egg?

Teacher:Can you make a sentence with the word "egg"?

Student:Yes.I ate a piece of cake yesterday.

Teacher:Then where is the “egg"?

Student:In the cake,Sir.






3. Tom is a little boy, and he is only seven years old. Once he goes to a cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket and goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out, and buys the second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys the third ticket. Two or three minutes after that he comes out and asks for another ticket. But a girl asks him,“Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?” “No, I have no friends here, but a big woman always stops me at the door and cuts up my ticket.”

汤姆是个小孩, 他才7岁。 当他去电影院的时候。那时他第一次去。他买了张票进去了。 但没过两三分钟他就出来了,然后买了第二张票又进去了。 几分钟后他又出来买了第三张票。 接着两三分钟后他又出来买票。 一个女的问她,“你为什么要买那么多票啊? 你见到了几个朋友?" "没有, 我里面没朋友, 但是每当我进门的时候一位大的女人老把我的票给剪了"

4. Child:My uncle has 1000 men under him.

Man:He is really somebody.What does do?

Child:A maintenance man in a cemetery





Teacher: Would Shakespeare be a great man if he were still alive today?

Student: Of course. He must be a great man, for so far nobody has lived to over 400 years.




Mr. Smith: Waiter, there's a dead fly in my soup.

Waiter: Yes, sir, I know---it's the heat that kills it.



Son: Dad, give me a dime.

Father: Son, don't you think you're getting too big to be forever begging for dimes? Son: I guess you're right, Dad, Give me a dollar, will you?




A little kid fell in love with another little kid, a school mate. Sometimes the kids think they fall in love when they have a crush on someone else in the class, when they?re eight or ten years old or something like that. So the eight-year-oldkid came back home and asked his father, “Father, is it expensive to be married?” And the father said, “Yes, son, it is very expensive.” So the son asked, “How much does it cost?” And the father said, “I don?t know, son. I?m still paying.”



"Boy, why have you got cotton-wool in your ear? Is it infected?" "No, sir, but you said yesterday that everything you told me went in one ear and out the other , so I am trying to stop it."



“I'm sorry ,Madam ,but I shall have to charge you twenty dollars for pulling your boy's tooth .”

“Twenty d ollars! Why ,I understand you to say that you charged only four dollars for such work!”

“Yes,but this youngster yelled so terribly that he scared four other patients out of the office .”




TWO: Teacher:We all know that beat causes an object to expand an cold cauese it to contract. Now,can anyone give me a good example?

John:Well ,in the summer the days are long,and in the winter the days are short. 老师:我们都知道热胀冷缩的道理。现在,谁给我举个例子?


The lecturer on evolution had been going on for nearly two hours. then he started

again, and said he:"Let me ask the evolutionist a question --- if we had tails like a baboon, where are they?"

"I'll venture an answer, " said an old lady. "We have worn them off sitting here so long.".




A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river." He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them. Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.

【译文】 一个人正朝着一个富人的房子走去,当他沿着路走时,在路的一边他发现一箱好苹果,他说:“我不打算吃那些苹果,因为富人会给我更多的食物,他会给我很好吃的东西。”然后他拿起苹果,一把扔到土里去。 他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了,因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿,然后他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能渡过河。” 他开始回家,那天他没有吃东西。他就开始去找吃的,他找到苹果,很高兴地把它们从尘土中翻出来吃了。 不要把好东西扔掉,换个时候你会觉得它们大有用处。

A Good Boy

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave


Story 1: A Great Actor

There was once a great actor who could no longer remember his lines. After several years of searching, he finally found a theater that was willing to give him a try. The director said, “This is the most important part, and it has only one line. At the opening you walk onto stage carrying a rose. You hold the rose to your nose with just one finger and thumb, smell it deeply and then say the line in praise of the rose: ?Ah, the sweet smell of my love.?” The actor was excited. All day long before the play he practiced his line over and over again. Finally, the time came. The curtain went up, the actor walked onto the stage, looked at the audience, and with great emotion said the line, “Ah, the sweet smell of my love.” The audience exploded in laughter. Only the director was furious! “Ahhhhhh! You damned fool!” he cried. “You?ve ruined my play! You?ve ruined me!” The actor was puzzled, “What happened? Did I forget my line?” “No!” shouted the director. “You forgot the rose!”(181 words)

Story 2: Problem of Meeting People

Before the wedding, the groom went up to the minister with an unusual offer. “Look, I?ll give you $100 if you?ll change the wedding vows. When you get to the part where I?m expected to promise to ?love, respect and obey her,? ?giving up all others,? and ?be true to her forever,? I?d be happy if you?d just leave that part out.” He gave the minister the cash and walked away with a light heart. The wedding day arrived, and the bride and groom reached that part of the ceremony where they would make vows to each other. When it was time for the groom?s vows, the minister looked the young man in the eye and said, “Will you promise to kneel before her, obey her every command and wish, serve her breakfast in bed every morning of your life and make a vow before God and your lovely wife that you will never even look at another woman, as long as you both shall live?” The groom was shocked, but in spite of himself, he said in a low voice, “Yes, I will.” Then the groom whispered to the minister, “I thought we had a deal.” The minister put the $100 into his hand and whispered back, “She made me a much better offer.”

Story 3: He thinks I’m God.

A young woman brings home her fiancé to meet her parents. After dinner, her mother tells her father to find out about the young man?s plans. The father invites the fiancé to his study for a drink.

“So what are your plans?” the father asks the young man.

“I am a Bible student,” he replies.

“A Bible student. Hmm.” The father says. “Good, but what will you do to provide my daughter with a nice house such as she?s accustomed to?”

“I will study,” the young man replies, “and God will provide for us.”

“And how will you buy her a beautiful engagement ring such as she deserves?” asks the father.

“I will concentrate on my studies,” the Young man replies, “and God will provide for us.”

“And children?” asks the father. “How will you support children?”

“Don?t worry, sir. God will provide,” replies the fiancé.

The conversation goes on like this, and each time the father questions him, the young man insists that God will provide. Later, the mother asks, “How did it go, honey?”

The father answers, “He has no job and no plans, but the good news is he thinks I?m God.”

Story 4: A Sudden Change in the Parrot’s Attitude

A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of this bird?s mouth was rude. John tried every method to change the bird?s attitude by constantly saying polite words, playing soft music, and anything he could think of to set a good example. Nothing worked. Finally, John got fed up and he yelled at the parrot. And the bird yelled back. John shook the parrot, and the bird got angrier and ruder. Finally, in a moment of desperation, John put the bird in the refrigerator freezer. For a few minutes, John heard the bird scream and kick. Then suddenly there was silence. Not a sound for over a minute. Fearing that he?s hurt the bird, John quickly opened

the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out and said, “I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I am truly sorry, and I will do everything I can to correct my poor behavior.”

John was greatly surprised at the bird?s change of attitude. As he was about to ask the parrot what had caused such a sudden change in his behavior, the bird continued, “May I ask why you put the chickens there and what they did wrong?”

Story 5: A Miser

There was a miser who loved money more than anything else. Just before he died, he said to his wife, “Now, listen. When I die, I want you to take all my money and put it in the casket with me. I want to take my money to the afterlife with me.”

He made her promise with all her heart that when he dies, she would put all the money in the casket with him. Then he died. He was laid in the casket, his wife was sitting there wearing black, and her friend was sitting next to her.

When they finished the ceremony, just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said, “Wait a minute!” She had a box with her. She came over with the box and put it in the casket.

Then the undertakers locked the casket down, and they rolled it away. Her friend said, “Girl, I know you weren?t fool enough to put all that money in there with your husband!”

She said, “Listen, I?m a Christian. I can?t go back on my word. I promise him that I would put all the money in the casket with him.”

“You mean you really put that money in the casket with him!?”

“I surely did,” said the wife. “I wrote him a check.”

Story 6: Two Concert Tickets

After shopping for most of the day, a couple return to find their car has been stolen. They go to the police station to make a full report. Then, a police officer drives them back to the parking lot to see if any evidence can be found at the scene of the crime. To their surprise, the car has been returned.

There is an envelope on the windshield with a note of apology and two tickets to a concert. The note reads, “I apologize for taking your car, but my wife was having a baby and I had to use your car to rush her to the hospital. Please forgive the inconvenience. Here are two tickets for tonight?s concert.” The couple feel relieved. After all, most human beings are kind, they think. They go to the concert and return home late. They find their house has been robbed.

Valuable goods have been taken. And there is a note on the door reading, “Well, you still have your car. I have to put my newly-born kid through college somehow, don?t I?”

Story 7: Who stole the vase?

Amy, the richest woman in town, threw a party. It was crowded and turned out to be a huge success, until about 12:00 a.m. That?s when Amy noticed that her valuable vase was missing from the entry hall table. When the police chief arrived, he asked each visitor to make a statement.

Phillip McDonald stepped forward, saying, “I was one of the first to arrive, about the same time as Julie Becker. I never once left the house. If people don?t remember me, it?s because I spent most of time in a bedroom, watching a basketball game.” The chief took down what Phillip?s said, then told him he could go.

Rod Bush was the next. He also claimed that he had never left the house, though he did step out onto a second story balcony, but it was so cold that he came back in immediately.

Julie Becker was the third to make a statement. She also claimed never to have left or seen anything. “I spent much of the party moving from group to group and eating at the various food tables.” The chief told her to leave, too, and watched as she went into the hall and took her coat from the top of a crowded coat rack. Now the chief started to suspect one of the three guests.

Story 8: Don’t even think about it!

“Don?t even think about it!” is a phrase commonly used in the United States when a person emphatically denies or refuse something.

In 1995, Shaquille O? Neal, a popular basketball player, made a Pepsi commercial in which this phrase was used. The commercial begins with Shaq playing basketball, and a little kid is watching him. Then the boy cries out the name of this basketball star. Shaq turns to see the kid with a Pepsi in his hand. He walks over to the boy and says, “Hey, can I have it?” He bends over, supposing that his admirer will give him the Pepsi. But then the kid says, “Don?t even think about it!” This commercial was rather popular, and it had been shown on TV for about three years. The commercial seems to have a more dramatic effect than that produced by the Coca-Cola company in the 1970s. In the Coke ad a young boy meets football star “Mean” Joe Green as he is leaving the field after a game. The boy gives his hero a bottle of Coke, and in exchange for the drink, the football player throws his towel to the boy, who excitedly catches the souvenir.

The phrase “Don?t even think about it!” is used on many other occasions. Visitors to New York City are often amused to see a road sign with these words: “Don?t even think about parking here.” This road sign means that people are strictly prohibited from parking there.

Story 9 Cultural Misinterpretations

Mr. Wang, the Chairman of Board of Directors of a Chinese firm, told a story on CCTV program "Dialogue" of how he once almost lost a valuable Canadian employee working for him in Vancouver. He emailed every day to the Canadian, inquiring for the index number he was most concerned about. To his great astonishment, his Canadian employee turned in his resignation after a week. Mr. Wang was puzzled how he could do that to him as he gave such great attention to his job. A Chinese employee would have been more than happy if his or her boss had showed such great concern for him or her. He then found out that, unlike Chinese employees, the Canadian took what meant great concern to Chinese as distrust. But Mr. Wang assumed unconsciously that the Canadian was more similar to his Chinese employees than he actually was and treated him just as he treated any Chinese employee.

Passage 10 Eye Contact Is Also a Language

The study of communications sent by the eyes is also a way of communication. What the eyes communicate often depends on the culture. In the United States, it is usual for people to maintain eye contact. If a person tries to avoid eye contact in a conversation, the other person may think that person is dishonest. In some Asian cultures such as Japan, students will often avoid making eye contact with their instructors as a sign of respect.

Students in a business communication class at a Mid-South university were asked to test the concept of gaze and eye contact in the United States by maintaining steady eye contact with a person in the car next to them when they stopped at a traffic light. Responses varied from obscene gestures to making faces to returning the gaze. Students concluded that US persons are very uncomfortable with prolonged eye contact.

In other cultures, there is little direct eye contact. The Japanese direct their gaze below the chin; they are uncomfortable with maintaining direct eye contact throughout the conversation. People in China and Indonesia also lower the eyes as a sign of respect, feeling that prolonged eye contact shows bad manners.

Passage 11 Wedding Ring

At weddings in many parts of the world, brides and grooms give each other wedding rings. These rings remind them of the commitment they made to each other when they got married. They are also a sign to others that they are married.

No one knows for sure how this tradition started, but there is evidence that it began long ago in ancient Egypt. Coins at that time had a hole in the center. An Egyptian groom used to place a coin on his bride’s finger to show that he would provide for and take care of her.

In many ancient cultures, including Egypt, the circle is a symbol of eternity. The wedding ring has come to symbolize endless love and commitment.

Wedding rings have almost always been worn on the fourth finger, because the ancient Egyptians believed the vein of this finger went directly to the heart. But the hand it’s worn on depends on where you live. In some cultures, people wear their rings on the left hand, and in others, they wear them on the right.

How the wedding ring fits is important. Some people think that the perfect fit of the rings represents a perfect fit between the couple: a tight ring can indicate jealousy, and a loose ring can show carelessness.

Passage 12Halloween

On Oct. 31, Americans celebrate Halloween. Halloween means “holy evening’. This is the evening before the Christian holy day of All Saints’ Day. On All Saints’ Day, Christians remember the saints. But Halloween is even older than Christianity.

Before Christianity, people in Europe believed that on Oct. 31 ghosts of dead people came back. To scare the ghosts, people dressed like devils and were very noisy. They also made big fires to keep the ghosts away. Later, people did not believe in ghosts, but they kept the day of Halloween for fun.

Immigrants came from Europe to America and brought with them the custom of Halloween. Halloween has some strange symbols. One symbol is the jack-o’-lantern in the window. The jack-o’-lantern is to scare the ghosts. People cut the pumpkin, throw away all of the inside, and cut a face in it. Then they put a candle inside of it. Jack-o’-lanterns usually look scary, too!

Today, in the United States, Halloween is very popular with children. They wear masks and special costumes. They want to look like skeletons and ghosts. Then they go from house to house and say, “Trick or treat!” People give them candies, cookies or fruit. When people give nothing, the children sometimes play tricks on them.




镇巴县松树中学 何小会

一直以来,尤其是农村学生学习英语,除了英语课、英语辅导在与英语打交道,其它的时候根本没有学习英语的氛围和机会,而每天学习1小时(周末除开)其余23小时将英语臵之子脑后,到次日上英语课时,学生又觉得陌生了,为了每节课使学生能迅速的进入角色回到英语课上,我们老师就设计了每节课的warming-up 即预热学习阶段。


二、 英语演讲在无形之中还训练了学生的听力,听懂同伴、老师用英语说话。

三、 英语演讲有时为我的新课导入提供了素材。

四、 英语演讲让我有机会表扬、鼓励每一个学生学习英语,也有机会指出其不足,给学生改正的方向。每次学生的演讲结束时,我都会简要的点评,所谓的点评其实就是委婉的指出其不足,放大的表扬优秀闪光的地方,鼓励他们更努力的、更用心的学英语。比如我说:某某同学声音很洪亮甜美,只是某些单词发音不是很准,希望今后多练习;某某同学演讲设计很独特新颖,只是可能准备太仓促,表演不太流畅,希下一次演讲会更好;某某同学本很害羞,从不单独张口说英语,今天居然在全班同学面前一口气背了15个单词,这个同学下一次肯定会给大家带来更精彩的表演,这个学生在全班同学的掌声中高兴的回到了座位上。

五、 英语演讲扩宽了学生学英语的范围,有时候会使课堂有意想不到的精彩。 备半小时或更长的时间,学生此时就处于无意识的自主学习英语了。

其中一次:人物: thief, policeman , shop assident ,customer. 地点:supermarket , bus stop , police station .事情经过:两顾客去超市与服务员对话交流买东西,一小偷在超市偷东西,顾客发现后打电话报警,警察出现后在汽车站抓到了小偷带回警局教育,并让小偷做检查,服务员写感谢信感谢了两位顾客。(其中人物和地点学生用卡片写上相应的单词贴在了相应的地方,其他学生一看一目了然,而整个对话交流过程又是全英语式的,都是初中阶段学过的,学生学以致用了。

另一次:那天我利用晚自习上课,那天刚好班上一学生过生日(上课后我才知道的),而那天进行英语表演的5(其中3个帮忙)个同学,就为这个同学开了一个birthday party ,包括假蛋糕的准备、庆祝、送礼物、吹蜡烛教室关灯、许愿以及整个交流对话过程都是全英语式的。虽然他们的表演占去了上课时间9分中,但我没有打断他们也没有责怪他们耽搁了上课,而是表扬了他们精心的准备,模仿得很像,就像一群外国小孩在为小伙伴过生日一样。 英语课前5分钟演讲,看似占去了一节课45分钟的九分之一,

看似耽搁了上课时间,但是良好的开端等于成功的一半,向45分钟要效益,正式入课前的几分钟是学生精力最旺盛之段,也是期待学习新知最强烈之时,开头设计好了不仅能调动学生学习欲望、激情,而且还能激发动机,引人入胜,达到未成曲调先有情的教学佳境。 二〇一一年四月十一日



淄博高新区石桥中学 丁秀军




















