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2016-11-20 11:17:22 来源网站:百味书屋

篇一:英语打电话词汇 语句

Sinohydro Corporation 中国水利水电建设集团 Sinohydro Bureau 5 CO.,LTD (FBI Federal Bureau of investigation)limited company 中国水电五局有限公司no investigation, no right to speak.

International Logistic Department机电物资部

General manager 总经理 , Assistant manager 副经理, Department manager 部门主任 management dept.经营部 Financial dept. 财务部General affairs dept.综合部

Engineering dept.工程部 Human resources dept. 人力资源部 (Natural resource)

最近怎么样?How’s everything going? How are you doing?(熟悉的人之间) How have you been? How is everything?What’s up? What’s new?回答:I’m doing good/well/great. TerrificNot bad.Just so so. 电话: Hello? this is Tom. Hello? This is Tom speaking.

Could I talk to Mr. Brown? I’d like to talk to Mr. Brown.Is that David Brown? Is Jan in?

请问你是哪位?May I ask who is calling, please?

Who is speaking? Who is that speaking?

请稍等 Hang on a moment, please.

One minute/Just a second, please. I’ll see if he is in.

有电话找你 There is a call for you/You are wanted on the phone. 对不起,他不在 I’m sorry, he is out/not in. Can I take a message?

我要挂电话了 I have to go.Something urgent has come up, I’ve got to hang up. 恐怕您拨错号了 I’m afraid u have the wrong number. U got the wrong number. 对不起 我拨错了Sorry, I have misdialed.

电话占线 The line is busy. The line is engagedThe number is engaged.



一、 表示禁止的英语标语

1、形式:“No+动名词” 表示:“禁止+动词”

No smoking! 禁止吸烟No parking! 禁止停车 No passing! 禁止通行 No fishing! 禁止钓鱼 No talking! 禁止喧哗 No spitting!禁止吐痰

2、 形式:“No+名词”表示:“禁止”

No photos! 禁止拍照 No entry! 禁止入内 No litter! 禁止乱扔垃圾 No drugs! 禁止吸毒 ? Guess the meaning of the following sentences.

No running allowed!No left/right/U turn!

No admittance! No trucks!

二、 与地点有关的英语标语

1、 地点名称

Supermarket超市/ museum博物馆/book store书店/post office邮局/bus stop公共汽车站/police station警察局/airport机场/railway station火车站/cinema电影院/hospital医院/bank银行/library图书馆/toilet厕所/

2、 相关标语

Entrance! 入口 Exit!/Way out! 出口 Open 营业Pause 暂停 Closed 停止营业 Mind your head! 小心碰头 Wet painting! 油漆未干

On sale! 减价出售 Business hours! 营业时间

Danger! 危险SOS 救命

Parking 停车处 Keep silence. 保持安静

? Guess the meanings of the following words and sentences.

Keep off the lawn.

Lost and found.

Safety first.

Open here.

三、 校园英语标语

? Please think about that where the following words will be used.

No water/electricity wasting!

Protect flowers. Don’t wake me up!

Life is beautiful. Keep our school clean and tidy!

Welcome to our English corner.

Be careful about sidesteps.

四、 电话用语

1. This is Jane. Is that Bob?/Could I speak to Bob?

2. This is Bob speaking.

3. Who is that speaking?/ May I have your name?

4. Hold the line, please. I will get her/him phone./ Hold on for a moment.

5. Sorry, he/she is not in.

6. Can I take a message./ Would you like to take a message. 那些年我们听到的电话提醒:


? 您好!您所拨打的电话已关机。 Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is power off.对不起!您拨打的用户暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨。

Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later? 您好!请不要挂机,您拨打的电话正在通话中。 Sorry! Please hold on,the subscriber you dialed is busy now,.

? 您好!您拨打的电话正在通话中,请稍后再拨。Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is busy now, please redial later.

? 对不起!您拨打的用户已设置呼叫限制.

Sorry! The subscriber you dialed has set barring of incoming calls.

? 对不起,您拨打的电话暂时无人接听,请稍后再拨。

Sorry! The phone you dialed is not be answered for the moment, please redial later.


抢注网址: /wenkxd.htm

Key Sentences(重点句子)

118.I beg you pardon? Miss who?


119.I'm sorry,but I don't know that name.


120.You must have the wrong number.


121.Come on.I know Anna's there.Let me talk to her.


122.There's no one named Anna here.


123.Are you sure you have the right name?

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124.What number are you trying to dial?


125.I'd like to make a person-to-person call to Beijing,China.


126.To Mr.Qin at 6634-6972.


127.Mr.Zhou,will you hold the line,please?


128.There is no Qin at that number.


129.Will you check the number again,please?


130.What the number I gave you,operator?

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131.I've given you a wrong number.


132.I'm afraid you have the wrong number.


133.I suggest you look in the phone book.


Dialogue A

(A:A young man B:Receiver)

A:Hello.Can I talk to Miss Anna Li,please?

B:I beg you pardon?Miss who?

A:Miss Li.Anna Li.

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B:I'm sorry,but I don't know that name.You must have thewrong number.

A:Come on.I know Anna's there.Let me talk to her.

B:Sorry.There's no one named Anna here.Are you sure you havethe right name?


B:What number are you trying to dial?

A:It's 423-6681.Isn't it right?

B:No.It isn't.It's 423-6631.

A:I'm sorry to have bothered you.

B:No problem.

Dialogue B

(A:Operator B:Zhou Qiang)

A:Operator.Can I help you?

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B:I'd like to make a person-to-person call to Beijing,China.Thenumber is 6634-6972,and I

want to speak to Mr.Qin.

A:To Mr.Qin at 6634-6972?

B:Yes,that's right.

A:May I have your name and telephone number?

B:My name is Zhou Qiang,and the phone number is 756-3284.

A:Mr.Zhou,will you hold the line,please?


Mr.Zhou,there is no Qin at that number.Will you check thenumber again,please?

A:What the number I gave you,operator?

B:It's 6634-6972.

A:Oh,I'm sorry.It should have been 6634-6672,not 6972.I'vegiven you a wrong number.

B:Are you sure this time?


  • 电话的英语单词

    英语打电话词汇语句SinohydroCorporation中国水利水电建设集团SinohydroBureau5CO ,LTD(FBIFederalBureauofinvestigation)limitedcompany中国水电五局有限公司noinvestigation,n...
