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2017-04-05 07:02:56 来源网站: 百味书屋

篇一:how to avoid misunderstanding

how to avoid misunderstanding.

There is no denying that misunderstanding does lead to much unnecessary trouble in our daily communication. So vital is it that we should acquire how to avoid misunderstanding.

First of all, it is universally acknowledged that some misunderstanding attribute to similar-sounding words. To prevent this kind of misunderstanding, what we should do is to improve our pronunciation and listening. On the one hand, some misunderstanding can be avoided effectively, if our pronunciation is loud and clear. On the other hand, listening can never be taken lightly by us.

Apart from similar-sounding word, we can blame some misunderstanding on the vague wording. In addition, as far as I am concerned, the vague wording is prone to misunderstanding in some occasion. Then, when we encounter this kind of misunderstanding, we should select the connotation of the word to comprehend the sentence. Meanwhile, what we say should be precise. Only in this way can we prevent this kind of misunderstanding.

Last but not the least, there is another problem which is worth paying attention to. Rhetoric, such as metaphors and exaggeration are liable to give rise to misunderstanding. When it comes to this kind of misunderstanding, we should not comprehend the sentence literally. What's more, it is essential that we should rethink what we have heard.

Otherwise, we would easily misinterpret others.

It is no wonder that we attach much significance to communication. In terms of communication, we should acquire how to avoid misunderstanding. So only by doing what is mentioned above is it feasible for us to avoid misunderstanding.

篇二:高考英语中译英测验 5 (E)

Section A (每题3分)

1. 和园丁们一起工作让我们学到许多关于花卉的知识。(enable) Working with gardeners enables us to obtain a lot of knowledge of flowers.

2. 为避免误会,你最好向她解释清楚这个问题。(explain)

To avoid misunderstanding, you had better explain the problem to her clearly.

3. 你不吃早餐也无助于减肥。(even if)

Even if you don’t have breakfast, you won’t lose weight.

4. 我发现和你父亲交换看法很令人耳目一新。(exchange)

I’ve found it very refreshing to exchange ideas with your farther.

5. 我们必须用知识武装头脑,以便将来为人民服务。(equip)

We must equip ourselves with knowledge so as to serve the people in the future.

6. 别对他期望太高,不然你会失望的。(expect)

Don’t expect too much of him, otherwise you will be disappointed.

7. 最后,我想引用一首诗来结束我的演讲。(end)

Finally, I want to end my speech by quoting a poem.

8. 这种药对治疗咳嗽有立竿见影的效果。(effect)

The medicine has an immediate effect on cough.

9. 总经理不会原谅你玩忽职守的行为的。(excuse)

① The general manager won’t excuse you for neglecting your duty.

② The general manager won’t excuse your neglecting your duty.

10.他厌倦了喧嚣的城市,而渴望一种宁静的乡村生活。(eager) He has tired of the noisy city and was eager for a quiet country life.


It is harmful to expose one’s skin to the sunlight for long.


It isn’t clear yet how he narrowly escaped death / being killed in the car accident.


If you do / take more physical exercise, you will not catch a cold so easily.


The house is big enough for us three to live in, and it is convenient to the subway station.


If you don’t study your opponent, you will end up losing the game.


None of us expected the headmaster to show up at the evening party.

17.我不知道他究竟为什么辞去了这样一份高薪工作。(wonder) I wonder why on earth he has quit such a well-paid job.


It is estimated that more than 50 million people have been infected with this disease.


An interesting article in the newspaper caught my eye.


The audience present are entitled to vote for their favorite singer.

Section B (每题4分)

1. 应鼓励年轻人按照自己的特长选择职业。(encourage)

Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points.

2. 她报名参加模特大赛,却遭到父母的强烈反对。(enter)

She wanted to enter for the middle competition, which was strongly opposed by her parents.

3. 为了学好英语,学生应尽可能多地接触真实的语言环境。(exchange) To learn English well, students should be exposed to real language environments as much as possible.

4. 要教育人们注意保护环境并不容易。(educate)

It is not easy to educate people to pay attention to protecting the environment.

5. 他在技巧和经验上都与我们旗鼓相当,谁都有可能夺冠。(equal)

He is equal to me in skill and experience, so either of us is likely to win the championship.

6. 近来,他在从事关于做笔记对学习效果的研究。(engage)

Recently,he has been engaged in a research on the effects of taking notes on study.

7. 您的旧家电在我们任何一家连锁店都能以旧换新。(exchange)

You can exchange your old household appliances for new ones in any of our chain stores.

8. 不仅年轻人爱好这项运动,许多中年人也跃跃欲试。(eager)

Not only do the young enjoy the sport, but also many middle-aged people are eager to have a try.

9. 必须采取一切可能的措施以确保奥运会顺利进行。(ensure)

All possible measures must be taken to ensure that the Olympic Games will go on well.


To keep pace with the times, the experts are making great efforts to improve the textbooks.

篇三:综合教程一短语usefull expressions


1. 个人看法 personal opinion

2. 不费什么力气 with very little effort

3. 提到 a reference to

4. 哭笑不得 don’t know whether to laugh or cry

5. 另谋出路 look for another job

6. 合格的教师 a qualified teacher

7. 可笑的噱头a ridiculous claim

8. 在情理之中 It is natural …

9. 做……没用 It is no use doing …

10. 这有几分道理 This is true to a certain extent …

11. 比……具有很大优势 have a great advantage over others

12. 走向另一极端 go to the opposite extreme

13. 完全对等的东西 a precise equivalent

14. 反之亦然 and vice versa

15. 建立在……基础上 be based on

16. 行为主义心理学 behaviorist psychology

17. 热衷于 be fond of

18. 我个人认为 in my personal opinion

19. 将……与……联系起来 relate … to …

20. 值得牢记的是 It is worth remembering that …

21. 交际手段 a means of communication

22. 与……大同小异 be probably very similar to …

23. 值得一提的相关问题 a relevant point worth mentioning

24. 做……将可受益 It will be helpful to …

Unit 2

1. 开业行医 settle into one’s medical practice

2. 把他当成了自己人 accept him as one of their own

3. 消息传播得很快 word passes quickly …

4. 簇拥 crowd around

5. 忍不住眉开眼笑 … can’t stop beaming

6. 融入我那些少年朋友的圈子 fit in with my teenage friends

7. 能管好自己的事 manage quite well on one’s own

8. 出于反叛 as an act of rebellion

9. 满了十八岁 turn eighteen

10. 上了大学 eoll in college

11. 把我比作我父亲 compare me with my father

12. 我会不惜一切地 I’d give anything to

13. 尴尬的沉默 an awkward silence

14. 靠自己的本事 in one’s own right

15. 你开车难道不看路吗? Why didn’t you look where you were going?

16. 被撞瘪了 sustain serious dents

17. 眼泪在眼眶里转 choke back one’s tears

18. 似曾相识的笑容 a smile of recognition

19. 想起了白天的事 recall the day’s events

20. 用双臂搂着他的肩膀 wrap one’s arms around his shoulders Unit3

1. 基因构成 genetic make-up

2. 思考,考虑 reflect on

3. 总结,归纳,概括 sum up

4. 塑造个性 shape personality

5. 付出努力 make the effort

6. 由……组成;由……构成 be composed of

7. 大体上,一般而言 in general

8. 分成 fall into

9. 响应,反应 respond to

10. 请客(吃饭);举行(聚会) throw a party

11. 不把……告诉(某人);防止(某人)听到(某事)

12. 处理情感 handle emotions

13. 智力特征 intellectual traits

14. 沉思 deep thought

15. 以幽默的方式 in entertaining ways

16. 在工作中;在干活 at work

17. 从……处遗传…… inherit … from …

18. 对……有影响(起作用) have an impact on

19. 产生影响 exert an effect on

20. 另一方面 on the other hand

21. 对……满意 be satisfied with

22. 跟……一起 along with


1. 充满活力 full of life

2. 搬进(新居) move in

3. 引起兴趣 arouse one’s interest

4. 一个粉红色蝴蝶结 a big pink bow

5. 饭厅 dining room

6. 一声巨响 a loud crash

7. 回头 turn around

8. 装配;组装 put together …

9. 肺炎的受害者 a victim of pneumonia

10. 逝去的年华 a lost time

11. 美好记忆 fond memories

12. 有志者事竟成 Where there’s a will there’s a way.

13. 与……有联系 in touch with

14. 确保 make sure

15. 日益临近 race by

16. 不行 no way keep (sth.) to

17. 包装鲜艳的礼物 a gaily wrapped gift

18. 伴随;相配;协调 go with

19. (设法)做到或干完 get through

20. 接手;接任 take over

21. 停止;戒除 leave off

22. 开心的泪水 tears of joy

23. 一个近似的复制品 a close copy of sth.

24. 更为合理的解释 a likelier explanation

Unit 5

1. 温暖宜人 warm and pleasant

2. 与……聊天 chat with …

3. 家庭野餐和聚会 family picnic and gathering

4. 回忆童年往事 recall events from childhood

5. 第一次约会 one’s first date

6. 给……讲解生理知识 tell sb. about the facts of life

7. 高中毕业舞会 senior prom

8. 出落得成熟漂亮 turn into a beautiful young woman

9. 巍峨挺拔 tall and straight

10. 日益密切的关系 increasingly close relationship

11. 出乎意料 by surprise

12. 一个令人不安的问题 a disturbing question

13.非常了解…… become well acquainted with …

14.整理思绪 gather one’s thoughts

15. 患心脏病 have a heart attack

16. 开心手术 open-heart surgery

17. 有……的机会 have a chance to do sth.

18. 年少时的滑稽举动 youthful funny behaviors

19. 编织……的回忆 create … memories

20. 自豪地微笑 smile with pride

21. 难得又特别的待遇 a rare and special treat

22.与……分享 share sth. with sb.

23. 在微风中摇曳 sway in the breeze


1. 黑店 a tourist trap

2. 圣诞精神 Christmas spirit

3. 默默地 in stony silence

4. 点餐 order the meal

5. 为一点小事打孩子 slap a child for some minor fault

6. 一阵令人不快的寒风 an unpleasant blast of cold air

7. 湿淋淋的破旧大衣 a dripping, ragged overcoat

8. 空空如也的小费盘 an empty tipping plate

9. 收集信息 collect information

10. 把花压平 press the flower flat

11. 一张二十法郎面额的钞票 a twenty-franc note

12. 没有零钱 do not have the change

13. 直起身 straighten up

14. 把花举在胸前 hold the flower in front of sb.

15. 迅速地 in one quick motion

16. 像炸弹似地爆炸开来 explode like a bomb

17. 双手魔力十足地敲击键盘 beat the keys with magic hands

18. 头和着旋律频频点动 nod one’s head in rhythm

19. 随着节奏挥动着花 wave the flower in time to the music

20. 纵情高歌 bellow the song with uninhibited enthusiasm

21. 用餐叉敲击酒瓶打起了拍子 beat rhythm with a fork against a bottle

22. 到每张桌子给人敬酒 make the rounds

23. 络绎不绝地从街上涌来 crowd in from the street

24. 释放爱心和快乐 release love and joy

Unit 7

1. 人际关系 personal relationships

2.促成 contribute to

3.感觉受冷落 feel deserted

4.往往 tend to

5.借助 resort to

6.考虑在内 take into account

7.一定会 be bound to

8.引起 give rise to

9.避免误解 avoid misunderstanding

10.缺乏交流 lack of communication

11.面临 be confronted with

12.言语交流 verbal communication

13.生理功能 physiological function

14.血液流通 blood circulation

15.跟上 keep pace with

16.任某人处置 at one’s disposal

17.心理因素 psychological factors

18.起作用 come into play

19.忘乎所以 be carried away

20. 牢记 bear … in mind

Unit 8

1. 全优生 straight-A students

2. 充分发挥 make the most of

3. 学习优秀 attain academic excellence

4. 首先 begin with

5. 决定轻重缓急 set the priorities right

6. 换言之 in other words

7. 另外 in addition

8. 个人偏好 personal preference

9. 任何时候都表现优秀 perform well at all times

10. 活跃参与…… be actively involved in

11. 整理笔记 file the notes

12. 安排时间 schedule one’s time

13. 安排做作业的速度 pace each assignment

14. 手头的工作 the tasks at hand

15. 被……压得喘不过气 be overwhelmed by ...

16.复习和完善功课 review and polish one’s work

17. 写下 jot down

18. 在于…… lie in

19. 同样重要 it is equally important ...

20. 澄清疑问 clarify any doubts

21. 进行实验 conduct an experiment

22. 单独用功 labour on one’s own

23. 最后一点同样不容忽视 last but not least

24. 制定高标准 set high standards

25. 不辞辛劳地…… take pains to do sth.

  • 避免被误解(Avoid,Misunderst

    howtoavoidmisunderstandinghowtoavoidmisunderstanding Thereisnodenyingthatmisunderstandingdoesleadtomuchunnecessarytroubleinourdailycommunication Sovit

  • 避免被误解(Avoid,Misunderst

    howtoavoidmisunderstandinghowtoavoidmisunderstanding Thereisnodenyingthatmisunderstandingdoesleadtomuchunnecessarytroubleinourdailycommunication Sovit
