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2017-04-01 05:52:42 来源网站: 百味书屋

篇一:研究生英语作文(My Unforgettable Summer Vacation)

My Unforgettable Summer Vacation

Although memories fade, I will never forget the summer vacation which was an awful and terrible experience of my life. Before this time, I would rarely get sick, and I always thought that illness could be a good thing because my parents would pay special attention to me. After suffering from two illnesses that vacation, I realized that sickness was definitely a painful experience when my tonsils got inflamed and when I broke my left arm.

The first time I realized what illness actually brought was when I got tonsillitis. It happened during the first days of the vacation when I graduated from senior high school. After a crazy all-night graduation party, I caught a cold and my tonsils were swollen. But I took it lightly because I thought my parents would just care for me. Despite having a headache and feeling weak, I didn’t take any measure until the day I felt lumps in my throat when I tried to swallow. I was in so much pain, so my mother took me to the hospital worriedly. The doctor told me that I had a serious inflammation of my tonsils, and the best treatment was to remove them. In order to be free of the troubles of my tonsils, I underwent the tonsillectomy operation. At the beginning of the operation, I was blindfolded with a piece of black cloth. Then a nurse putting six pins of anesthetic on both sides of my tonsils. It was painful and disgusting, and I felt like vomiting. After awhile, I began to feel nothing. In general, the operation went smoothly, except the anesthetic made me feel sick.

In the days after the operation, I experienced more torment. The first three days were the most painful. My throat hurt very much and was uncomfortable. In order to relieve the pain, I would put some ice in my mouth a few times a day. I couldn’t speak or eat but could only rely on glucose to supply nutrition. The worst thing was having to spit blood periodically. In the following days, with the pain alleviating slowly, I could only drink liquid or eat soft foods, such as porridge and eggs. Although my parents bought a lot of fruits and snacks, I couldn’t enjoy them because of the pain in my throat, which continued almost a month. This was the first time I realized that being ill was not good but painful.

However, my understanding of illness was not enough. Soon after, life gave me another lesson. After several days of suffering tonsillitis, I broke my left arm. One day when I was enjoying the air on the roof of our house, a thunderstorm suddenly came. I hastily


tried to get down using a ladder. Unfortunately, I took an awkward step, lost balance and fell about three meters from the air. After a muffled bang, I felt intense pain coming from my left wrist. I raised my hand and saw a big knot on it. I felt very disturbed, worrying that my left arm was broke. Enduring the stabbing pain, I called my parents back. Once again, I was taken to the hospital by my mother. The X-rays confirmed the fracture of my left arm. The doctor wrapped it tightly in plaster and put gauze around it a few times. From that point, I couldn’t move my left arm arbitrarily. The first night was tantalizing because my arm was so painful, and it seemed like a burning fire in my bone. I lay awake almost the whole night, while the pain was just the start of my “one handed life”.

The first day after the fracture, I had to face the brutal reality that I was “one handed”. Because my parents were busy, they didn’t have time to take care for me every day. The biggest problem was having to put on my clothes with one hand. I still remember the scene struggling to put on my clothes without my left hand. I spread my pants and the t-shirt on the bed and tried to put them on with my right hand and my two feet. When I encountered the zipper, I had to use the gravity of the plaster to suppress the lower end of the zipper, pulling it using my right hand little by little. That morning, I spent an extra fifteen minutes just putting on my clothes. In the following days, I had to continue using one hand to wash, to use the toilet, and even to tie my shoes. After a month of convalescence, I really knew how inconvenient it was to be injured. The ordinary things of my daily life became an insurmountable mountain for me to climb.

All in all, I managed to survive that terrible summer vacation, and I will never forget the lessons that life taught me at the age of eighteen. After suffering the painful tonsils and the broken arm, I realized how important my health was, and illness was not an attention-getter for my parents. The experience of not being able to eat or speak, feeling the inflammation in my throat, falling off a ladder and breaking my left arm me helpless and lonely. I learned that if I didn’t take precaution against illness and injury. In the future I would have to live a life of suffering and inconvenience.

篇二:My vacation 英语作文 我的假期

My vacation

As the time by, I finished my vacation and returned the school. I know it is the time that I should say goodbye to my vacation life and adapt myself to school life. There is no doubt that I enjoy my vacation very much not only because in the vacation I could relax but also I can do what I would like to do keeping away from the pressure of the lesson and examination. I like travel very much so I spent about three days going for a trip with my sister and my good friends. We went to a beautiful small island named NanAo, which is near my hometown. I almost could not control my excitement and happiness when Ifirst caught sight of the islandsurrounded by the cleanly blue-black water of the sea and where you can see the white and soft beach from a far distance. I thought maybe it was becauseI had not seen the sea for a long time that I felt so excited and happy when I dipped my feet in the cool seawater. I remembered I did not leave the beach until I was so hungry that I had to go for a dinner with my sister. We enjoyed our time very much. Finally we were reluctant to leave Nanao and were determined to visit there again next holiday.

Besides travelling, I also read some useful books in my holiday, one of which is “how to spend your college life”. It

impressed me deeply and gave me an important lesson of my college life. When reading the book, Itook many notes and wrote down my own understanding. From the books, not only could I achieve a lot of knowledge but also having much fun. Also, I still did many other interesting and meaningful things. For example, I helped my mother clean the house, went shopping with my father, bought some new clothes for my grandparents and decorated our home with the red couplets as well as my brothers. I love my family deeply and in my heart there is nothing more interesting and happier than these small things done with my dear families.

The time went so fast and the vacation was so short. I enjoyed my vacation very much and I thought Idid not waste it. I will adapt myself to a new term and manage to have a greater progress by my hardwork.

篇三:My Summer Vacation

My Summer Vacation

I was finally to wait the day that I finished my workdays after all, with the opening radio, I was holding my pen, looking back to my bits of experience in this summer vacation...

According to my plan I had before, a couple of my classmates along with me entered a factory which my mother has been in for about one year, whatever it bitter cold or summer’s intense heat like now, she can always stick to. Of course I was so proud of my mother that I could do the same job together with her provided I am strong enough, but the fact wasn’t. TOGETHER WITH MY WORK

The factory we entered are aim to produce a varity of goods which are made in china,we worked in assembly line and the job we asked to do is simple, just painting on the goods,but we haven’t any time to have a rest during worktime for It’s in assembly line which is highly

efficient.Besides,the work-hours are a little long for us,,but the worst thing isn’t this while It’s a challenge. she never regarded me as her friend, this is my feeling from what she did, I don’t know why I’m so care about her attitude to me, so once she let me done, I will lose my belief in her.As I thought ,things happened. I

quarreled with her, mabey I make her lose her face in public, but I don’t think the reason I quarreld with her is just little things like she asked me

to do what I don’t want to. What’s more,what she did made me dissappointed.

After that day,my workdays wasn’t enjoyable for she wasn’t friendly to me anymore, I lost my confidence in my work as before, It occurred to me that there are no prospects that doing things for others, the wise way I should do is study harder than before, fighting!


At the first, I have to say I really feel I can’t find another one can be fond of me in the world, this is what I proud all the same.

During those days I worked, every morning she sticked to get up early and prepared breakfast for me, for the work-hours is too long ,I always feel I need sleep more, but my mother just don’t want to me get thined,this is maternal love.

I believe my motive for doing everything I’m doing now and will do in the future is my mother, I won’t let her dissappointed,I promise. TOGETHER WITH MY BEST FRIEND

I can always get along with my best friend in our daily life, she are popurlar with almost all people for she loves smile,and the smile is absolutely exaggeration,so It’s cheerful to everyone, including me. I appreciate it I have a friend like her, she almost became a important part in my life,we were together eating,together studing,together joking,and

the most thing is together laughing. I shared any mood of mine and even my old friends with her,that’s exciting...

Now we worked together, However, mabey we are so close that

sometimes we think both of us need personal space, as a whole,we get along well during this summer vacation although the hard work, but I know the plan that I follow her to her hometown-Shandong province this winter vacation we had before won’t continue, because I want we can be together for longer or even forever, I don’t think it’s a good idea we always be together, mabey we aparted a short time like a winter vacation can maintain and improve our friendship, I think so.

I believe this experience leave me much impression on me, It’s worth of my life.

  • My,summer,vacation,life作文

