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2017-03-15 05:43:59 来源网站: 百味书屋



The contrasting with the up and down the dream dream, contrasting with the LiQing 《庐山面目》庐山东南五老峰,青山削出金芙蓉

"The lushan mountain face”Lushan southeast five-old-man peak, castle peak cut out of the golden lotus


"Kung fu"Bao jianfeng from honed out, plum blossom incense from the experience 《女娲补天》女娲炼石补苍天,镇得四海天下平

"NvWaBuTian"Nuwa refined colorful stones heaven, town to all the world is flat 《问情》同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识

"Asked"With is the tianya reduced people, why should meet had met


"A lot"Zhuifeng howling bright moon, the stars tonight wind last night 《慧眼》慧眼识道有福人

"The eye"Course, the blessed one


"The drunken beauty"In the day wish for a pair of lovebirds, on earth two trees with branches interlocked forever


“The spring coloured glaze”February has broken to march, old can meet spring a few times


"Lotus"Light breeze shaking violet leaf, Lou zhu room away


"Fragrance"The fragrant plum flower come through the snow, a sweet soul, open for you


"Huaguo mountain"Monkey King leisure huaguo mountain, mountain reiki monkey bile 《中国福》卫国保家种福田,修得福来浩荡恩

"Happy China"Wei for our kind of futian, blessed to the mighty


"The flying dragon in the day"Oriental dragon show style, huaxia potential really bold


"Yu Laibao"Fish in deep springs search to find, to find treasure to send you home 《猫头鹰》本是灵猫逐家鼠,风赐翅膀守丛林

"Owl"This is the civet cat by mice, and the wind gives wings to observe the jungle 《鹰击长空》直上青天揽日月,欲倾东海洗乾坤

"YingJiChangKong"Straight on the sky to the sun, to wash things around the east China sea


"Exquisite"Wear the flower butterfly deeply see, little dragonfly flying leisurely


"Critical"The Monkey King is demon eye, mind justice to shovel the devil 《金三角》长江造福金三角,福建迎来春满园

"Golden triangle"The Yangtze river for the benefit of the golden triangle, fujian usher in spring


Pen rack series: the gentleman on the beam light fame and wealth, the wind by turbidity years


Brush pot series: penholder heart courage, selflessness about comfort


"Indomitable spirit"Herringbone harder good writing, you hold me top heaven and earth 《天道酬勤》及时当勉励,岁月不待人。

"God reward those who work hard"When encouraged in time, time and tide wait for no man


"Harmonious development"Goldwind high curative value a meet, then win the world 《山水有情》春来你我齐相竞,同是兄弟手足情

"Landscape sentient beings"Spring race to you and I together, with the brotherhood of are brothers


"King post hero"Knowing that mountain tiger, race


"Under the bodhi tree"Body like bodhi tree, the heart for a mirror


“The dharma dongdu"Don't worry about the road ahead is no bosom friend, the world who could.


"The golden bowl"Golden bowl ChengHe, finances

《感恩》给我凉风缘谁牵?感恩不忘栽树人 "ThanksgivingGive me break edge who hold? Gratitude is not forget the trees 《内观》静坐常思己过,闲时莫论人非

"Vipassana"Meditation is often thought already, don't criticize people when idle


"Away"Devoted to the world of mortals purple stroke, no one does not see flowers back 《悟》劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君须惜少年时

"The enlightenment"Advised jun mo precious little golden rays of the clothes and advised you must cherish youth


“The deep love deep”Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui


"WangNianZhiJiao"Yiyi will vary, friendship forever treasure


"A mother"Niang breast moist I grew up, which has a mother's love which is home 《神兽》携金披身寻婆家,惜我夫君何许人

"God beast"With gold body find husband's family, who cherish my husband 《贵气》纵有千种风情,更与何人说

"The expensive gas"One thousand kinds of amorous feelings, with whom say more 《回眸》回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色

"Look back"Looking back a smile hundred flatters, natural make-up without color 《梳羽》一身香气撒人间,千金散尽是高洁

"Comb feather"A fragrance and human, away is noble and pure


"Area"And hath hony, a long way to go


"Lead"Generous doctor, hardness of heart hero


The oracle bone life"The long view of history's timing, quiet reading time gobbledygook


"Lucky cloud"Xiangyun accompany square, where the lingshan not return


“The vicissitudes of life”Shanhai generous miracle, cloud ZhuangHuai coolness 《海带舞》大海抒情绸带舞,渔家歌声庆丰收

"Seaweed dance"The sea lyrical ribbon dance, fishermen's song


"A flower leaf"There are flowers KanShe straight must fold, not stay no flower empty folding branches


"The conch"Whose eyes is an in love? The heart of the sea of happiness for you 《心有灵犀》身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通

"The heart"The body has no colourful feng wing, intended-and not to take a hint when a hint is not intended


"The dress dance"Wind fairy waitresses, like dress clothes


"The great"Flowers out thumb civilization, learn to appreciate you are he 《风雨同舟》同心同德创家业,有福共享夫妻情

"Thin"Unite as one and his possessions, blessed to share FuQiQing


"The power of the seeds”Speared ChuYing chaoyang, the strong belief will support 《探春》山穷水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村

"Tanchun"Poor mountain water after yi road, scenes and village


"The fish xiang dive"The swallows a drizzle fish, breeze


"The icing on the cake"Has no intention of bitter strife in the spring of next qunfang jealous


"Mei bottle"How have no rainbow had the eyes no tears, would have no rainbow 1顶天立地Indomitable spirit

2中国福China's blessing

3\4福寿双全Live long and proper

5未了情The unfulfilled feeling

6天道酬勤God reward those who work hard


8山水有情Landscape sentient beings

9中国梦The Chinese dream

10蟠桃献寿Flat peach offer long life

11达摩东渡Dharma dongdu

12功夫Kung fu

13菩提树下Under the banyan tree

14景岗英雄Hero landscape hills,


17扬长而去Off with it



20锦上添花The icing on the cake

21梅瓶The plum bottle

22花瓶The vase

23\24\25\26花瓶系列The vase series

27荷瓶Dutch bottle


29核桃瓶Walnut bottle

30李白遗物Li bai's belongings

31漂流瓶Drift bottle

32花瓶系列The vase series

33-51笔架系列The pen rack series

52和谐发展The harmonious development of

53情结千年Complex in one thousand

54趣味三角Taste the triangle

55金三角The golden triangle

56抱石金三角Bouldering golden triangle

57旋律美Beautiful melody


59天然木碗Natural wooden bowl





64开卷有益Reading eiches the mind 65大浪淘沙sweep

66封侯挂印Letters of resignation ho 67探春tanchun

68松鼠The squirrel

69凤舞九天FengWu nine days


71嫦娥有约The goddess of the moon about 72玲珑exquisite琥珀木Amber wood

73紫气东来Sabingga sukdun dergici jimbi 74登科Receive government degrees 75一本万利Bottom line

76真棒That's great





81甲骨遗韵Oracle life

83花篮Flower basket



87美在其中Beauty in it



90海带舞Kelp dance

91宝中宝Treasure in the treasure 92霓裳舞The dance dress

93心有灵犀Appear to be

94笑口常开Laugh often

95水木年华Shui mu nian hua

96香韵Like nuances

97种子的力量The power of the seed 97鱼翔浅底fish

98佰财Hk goods


100发财Make a fortune

101奔鹿The running of the deer 102报喜Good news


104富贵年年Prosperous year by year 105路漫漫A long way to go












史史 荣 东 散 文 诗(3)回 眸一次回眸,是在玫瑰花开的月下,娇嫩如玉的面额,不知怎么被流星点红?在那离别的一瞬,她回首宛尔一笑,闪过晶莹的流星,拖着长长的情丝,投进了深深的清潭。她虽然像云儿纤纤飘去,清潭再也宁静不下,涌动起夏日月夜的潮头,到了月倩荷香时节,清潭中浮起了皎月,那月中的金桂,飘溢出眸子的清香。初 吻情窦初开的花蕊,滚动着带霞的露珠。吻是飞来的蜜蜂,播种的是春天萌动的种籽。燕子翩翩,衔来的是初吻的绽开新芽,撩人的荷香,婆娑着初吻的烂漫。虽然,绿色被大雁叨去,荷香被燕子捎走,然而,那次初吻的种籽,却在风雪中绽放开如火的红梅,映红了皑皑的雪峰。桃花海盛开的桃花,犹如涨潮的海洋,紫燕双翅,扇起了一阵阵的香浪。灿灿的姑娘,仰起桃花般脸庞,明秀的瞳仁,飘出翩翩蝴蝶,挑逗着树下情郎,情郎翻身扑去,蝶儿,坠进了花海……月牙船夜,如一泓秋水,幽幽而妩媚。月牙儿躺进了白兰花花蕊中,花蕊散发幽幽的醉人芳香。她在月华下散步,低首吟哦,思想着他的身影,思想着离别的诗句。她的诗,虽然是营造出一弯月牙船,然而,缺少的是划船双桨。萤火虫飞掠过了花


  • 《眸》
