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2017-03-14 06:38:01 来源网站: 百味书屋


act on对…起作用[有功效];奉行,按照…而行动

agree on 就...达成协议决定, 同意,赞成

be based on 以...为基础

be hard on sb. 过于严厉对待某人

be on 上演, 上映

bet on就…打赌,打…的赌

bring down the curtain on sth. 结束;标志...的终结 burst in on突然打断;突然出现在…面前

call on 拜访

carry on 继续下去,从事,经营

catch on 理解,明白

chance on v. 偶然发现

cheat on对...不忠

come down on 申斥;惩罚

come on 来吧,跟着来,赶

concentrate on v.集中,全神贯注于

count on 依靠,期待,指望

decide on 选定,决定

depend on 依靠,依赖

draw on利用; 穿上; 渐渐来临; 鼓励

dream on 痴心妄想;

embark on上,开始,从事,着手…

feed on v.以...为食,以...为能源

figure on 把...估计在内;指望

fix one's eyes on 注意,注视

focus on把焦点对准,集中注意…

from now on 从现在起,今后

from then on 从那时起

get along / on (with) 进展,与…...相处

get on 上车

get on to 知道;意识到

get/go down on one's knees 跪下

go back on 不守,不履行,违背

go on with sth. 继续做某事

go on doing 继续(某件事因故暂停,尚未做完);一直做某事

go on to do 接着(一件事已做完,再去做另一件事) hand on 传下来,依次传递

happen on 巧遇;偶然发现

have a great effect on 对...有很大影响

have / take pity/ mercy on sb. 怜悯某人

hold on (打电话时)等一会,不挂断

hold on to 紧紧抓住;控制,克制

improve on 改进

impact on 对…冲击,碰撞;影响

influence on 影响

insist on doing 坚持

keep an eye on 留意,照看

keep on v.继续,穿着...不脱

keep one's mind on 专心于

knock on / at 敲(门、窗等)

later on 后来,稍后

live on 靠……为生

look on 旁观,观看,看待,视作

mark on 标上

off and on 断断续续地,间断地,偶尔

on account of 因为,由于

on (one's) arrival at 一到达...就...(= as soon as / when sb. arrives at ....)

on (the/an) average 平均,一般来说

on behalf of 代表...,为了...

on board 在船 (车、飞机) 上

on business 有事, 出差

on display 展出

on duty 值班,上班

on earth 究竟,到底

on file 存档

on fire 烧着

on foot 步行,走路

on glue 脑子被胶水粘住了,犯傻,冒傻气

on guard 警惕,防范

on no account 决不

on no condition 绝不,无论在任何条件下都不

on occasion 有时,不时

on one's feet 站着;恢复健康;经济独立

on one's guard adv.警惕

on one's mind 惦记,操心,焦虑

on one's own 独自地,独立地

on one's side 在某人一边

on one's way to 在去……的路上

on principle 根据原则,按照原则

on the principle of 根据…的原则

on purpose 故意,有意

on sale 出售,贱卖

on schedule 按照预定时间,准时

on second thoughts进一步考虑后

on show 在展出

on the fence adv.抱观望态度

on the basis of 根据,在 …… 的基础上

on the contrary 反之,正相反

on the one hand...;on the other hand 一方面;另一方面 on paper以书面形式;在纸上,在筹划中;从理论上讲 on the face of it乍看上去,从表面上看

on the fly adv.在飞行中,不工作,闲混

on the go走来走去,在活动,在忙碌

on the phone=over the phone 在听电话

on the point 即将 …… 的时候

on the quiet 秘密地,私下地

on the right 在右边

on the second thoughts 经重新考虑,一转念

on the spot 当场,在现场

on the table adv.在桌面上,公开地

on the whole 总的来说

on trial在受审,在试验中,在试用期

on time 准时

on vacation 度假

pass sth. on to sb. 把...传给...

play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑

play a trick on 捉弄

put on 穿上,戴上,上演,增加 (体重)


Steps that might help fix Windows Update errors and a blank Windows Features dialog in Windows Vista

Over the holidays, I was asked by a friend to look at a problem they were running into on their Windows Vista system. They were unable to connect to Windows Update and check for updates and received a cryptic error message. After a few minutes of poking around on the system, I

recognized a common set of symptoms that I had also seen on a couple of co-workers' systems a few weeks prior to that. I also recognized some symptoms that I've heard about from customers via my blog who had trouble getting the .NET Framework 3.5 to install on Windows Vista due to issues with the .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 and/or .NET Framework 3.0 SP1 OS update packages that it tries to install behind the scenes.

Since I had a system available to debug on, I ran through some

troubleshooting steps that I've learned over the past couple of years related to Windows Vista OS update installation issues and identified several specific symptoms, and then eventually came up with a set of steps to fix this system. Then I came back to work after the holidays and tried out the steps on my co-workers' systems and found that the same basic set of symptoms and resolution steps worked there as well. As a result, I'm going to try to summarize these symptoms and the steps I used to resolve them in the hope that they might be helpful to others suffering from the same issues on their systems.

Symptoms of this problem

In the systems I've been able to find so far with this type of problem, I've observed a common set of symptoms.

Symptom 1: Blank Windows Features dialog

Going to the Programs and Features control panel and then clicking the link on the left labeled Turn Windows features on or off brings up the Windows Features dialog. This can also be launched directly by running OptionalFeatures.exe. In the error cases I've seen, the Windows Features dialog appears completely empty instead of listing all of the Windows components that can be enabled or disabled on the system.

Symptom 2: Blank list of installed updates

Going to the Programs and Features control panel and then clicking the link on the left labeled View installed updates brings up a list of installed service packs, updates and hotfixes for the OS and any

applications installed on the OS. In the error cases I've seen, the list of installed updates was completely empty, even when I knew for sure that some OS updates had been installed on the system.

Symptom 3: Error when attempting to check for updates using Windows Update Going to the Windows Update control panel and choosing the Check for updates link either reports an error message and an HRESULT code (for example, 0x80070005 or 0x80073712) or states that there were no updates available for the system.

Symptom 4: Hang or error when attempting to manually download and install OS updates

Bypassing the Windows Update control panel by going to the Microsoft support site and directly downloading and attempting to install a Windows OS update package results in the update hanging and failing to complete installation or the update reporting that it is not applicable on the current OS and exiting without installing.

I saw the latter behavior for the .NET Framework 3.5 on systems in this state. On Windows Vista, the .NET Framework 3.5 attempts to install the .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 OS update package (because the .NET Framework 2.0 is an OS component on Vista). When the systems I observed were in this broken state, the .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 failed to install, and I observed the following error in the .NET Framework 3.5 or 3.5 SP1 log file named %temp%\dd_dotnetfx35install.txt:

[08/08/08,11:11:11] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS): ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS). MSI returned error code 1.

Error code 1 from the .NET Framework 2.0 or 3.0 CBS package means that the package is not applicable on the current OS.

Steps that might help resolve this problem

On the systems that I have been able to find in this state so far, I have used the following set of steps to get the system back into a working state so that it could display information in the Windows Features dialog, check for updates using Windows Update and successfully install OS updates. I have only been able to work with a few systems in this broken state though, so I'm not sure the same set of steps will always work. I wanted to post them here in case there are helpful in some cases though, but please keep in mind that your mileage may vary.

1. Download the System Update Readiness Tool and save the .msu file to your desktop. You need to make sure to download the correct version of this tool because there is a different version for each OS type and processor architecture. You can find the download links for this tool in this knowledge base article.

2. Run the System Update Readiness Tool. Once you download the appropriate .msu file for your OS type and processor architecture, you can double-click on it to install it. This tool is not an OS update, but it uses the .msu packaging logic that OS updates use. Therefore, it will tell you that it is installing the package, but it is actually running the tool in the

background. When the tool is running, you will see processes named checksur.exe, checksurlauncher.exe and checksurpackage.exe listed in Task Manager.


4. Note: The tool attempts to fix any problems that it finds on the system. However, it was not able to fix the problems it found on the systems that I have seen that experienced this type of problem. It is still useful to run the tool in order to create a log file that lists the issues it finds.

5. Look at the output in the CheckSUR.log file and make fixes based on what the tool reports. The checksur.exe tool created a log file at the following

location: %windir%\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log. On the systems that I have seen this type of problem on, the CheckSUR.log reported

problems with some of the registry values located under

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages on the system. I used the information in CheckSUR.log to locate and manually delete keys with errors reported for them. On one of the systems, some of the sub-keys only had permissions assigned to them for the local system account, so I had to add the Administrators group and then delete them. On one of the other systems, some of the sub-keys were reported as orphaned from some previous OS update that had been installed on the system, so I manually deleted them.


7. One very important note here - I strongly recommend making a backup of your registry before trying to manually change any of the sub-keys under this

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages key. This sub-key contains information that is usually only modified by installing and

uninstalling OS update packages, so it is possible to cause

problems with the OS if you delete keys that are still needed. If you do not feel comfortable manually backing up and modifying your registry, then I instead recommend that you try to repair your OS by re-running OS setup using your original OS installation disc. Note - I found another blog post with a more detailed step-by-step description about how to fix the Component Based Servicing registry keys. You can find that post

at /retype/zoom/3e7ba8d9c850ad02df804168?pn=5&x=0&y=0&raww=627&rawh=124&o=jpg_6_0_______&type=pic&aimh=94.92822966507178&md5sum=db787ff6482e0ab9f3f9ca63149f00f5&sign=d8788b7708&zoom=&png=466-9741&jpg=0-19924" target="_blank">点此查看



Essentials for setup troubleshooting,


13 Mar 2009 12:48 AM

A while back, I wrote a blog post describing a specific error that can occur when trying to install the

26 Jun 2011 8:21 AM

Step 3 worked for me - many thanks for saving me from having to do a full OS reinstall.

9 Jul 2012 1:35 PM

篇三:含有away ,off和out的动词短语

含有away ,off和out的动词短语

1.V+ away(副词)

clear away:清除,移走 die away(风/声音)渐息/渐弱;(树木)凋零/枯萎 give away:赠送,分送; 泄露 go away:走开,离开

pass away:去世/逝世 put away: 放好/收好;储存备用;舍弃 send away:驱逐,解雇 smooth away:克服,消除

take away:拿走turn away:解雇; 把…打发走

wear away: 磨掉,(时间)消逝 throw away:扔掉,抛弃


break off 折断,中断call off 取消;制止住(~ the dog)

cool off 变凉/冷却;冷静cut off 切断, 断绝, 截断,中断

drop off 让某人下车fall off(vt) 从…掉下来;(vi) 下降/降低 get off 下车give off 发出(光、声音等),散发出(气味)go off 离开; 爆炸,声音响起 keep off 避开/不接近(=stay/keep away from) pay off还清债务; 得到回报,获得成功 pull off 脱/扯下;延期

put off 推迟;使打消/不想;使厌 ring off 挂断电话

see sb off 为某人送行 send off派遣, 解雇,送行

set off出发 (=set out), 引爆;引起show off 炫耀/卖弄;使显眼

start off 出发(=start out)

take off脱衣;打折(take 20% off),请假(take 2 days off); 起飞,突然成功/盛行起来turn off(关掉, 避开;使厌烦(~sb),

3. V+out(副词)

act out表演出来;把…付锗行动break out vi.爆发

bring out 使显露; 生产 burst out 迸发;突然..起来(~laughing/crying) carry out 实施,执行check out 付帐后离开

clear out:清除,扫出 come out 出来;长出; 公开; 出版;结果 cut out 切掉/裁剪出;中止 die out 灭绝,(习俗)逐渐消失

drop out中途退出;辍学figure out计算出;领会到

find out弄明白/查明;揭发

give out vi 用尽/精疲力竭; vt.分发, 发表/布, 发出(气味/热)

go out 出去, 熄灭, 过时 hand out:分发

help sb out 帮助摆脱困难keep out 把…挡在外面

kick out:解雇leave out 省去, 遗漏, 不考虑

let out 发出叫喊;泄漏; 放宽/大;出租 look/watch out (for...)当心

make out理解;辨认出;编pick out 挑选出 造

point out 指出pull out撤离,离站(=pull away)

put out关熄/扑灭; 生产,困扰某人 read out大声地读出来

run out vi.用光/耗尽 run out of... vt.把...用光

send out放出,发送, 派遣 speak out大胆/大声地说

set out 出发; 着手(~ to do sth) stand out(突出;显眼) start out 出发stick out突出/显眼; 伸出,

tear out撕下, 扯下 try out 试验turn out 结果是; 生产 wear out:穿坏/用坏;使疲劳(=tire sb out)

work out vi.锻炼, 结果; vt..算出,解决,制订出,了解某人

  • off是开还是关

    on相关短语acton对…起作用[有功效];奉行,按照…而行动agreeon就 达成协议决定,同意,赞成bebasedon以 为基础behardonsb 过于严厉对待某人beon上演,上映beton就…打...