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2017-03-04 05:51:13 来源网站: 百味书屋


Growing Pains

In Memory of the Past Days

Looking into the mirror, the man there is no longer that little boy singing and laughing all day long with his treasured toys. Instead, there stand a man who is legally an adult, though he is still immature and sentimental. People say youth is the most precious and the most brilliant in our long period of life, and I agree with it. We are strong in body, quick in mind, we are always full of passion, energetic and high spirited. Youth is the sun in the morning and the rainbow in the sky. We have grown up, suddenly. Looking back of the old days, it seems being a college student can be so cool and so pleasing, no more homework waste your time, no more criticism spoil your mood, no more ignore let you down. We can find our own way and go on it without interference, we can do whatever we want and achieve whatever we have dreamt.

But gone with it, are our indelible years, sweet and sour, worth remembering and unforgettable.

Still remember the days when dad, mom and I sit around the table, talking about all kinds of things, about happiness and sorrows, about dream and wishes. Every time I am happy and excited, there are mom and dad with whom I can share the joy. Every time I am upset and distressed, there are mom and dad who smile at me and

fuel me the power to go forward. Every time I achieve my little success, it’s them who encourage me and tell me “carry on”. Every time I put my foot wrong, it’s them who pull me back and guide me the right way.

Still remember the days being crazy with best friend, chasing around on the playground, skipping class to a long waited movie, playing an innocent prank on someone…… the simple, pure and treasured friendship started to grow in that infancy heart.

Still remember giving the gift to that girl I love. Though don’t know what love is and means. It’s like magic which attract you and let you forget all the sorrows and sadness. Seeing her smile became the best time life can’t be replaced.

Days are gone. No more stupid, no more spoil, no more kidding, it’s our turn to strive and fight for our dream. Little bit perplexed, little bit nervous and little bit excited, not sure what life is in store of me, but not afraid, not regret, not sad. I will keep going and never give up.


Growing Pains

In Memory of the Past Days

Looking into the mirror, the man there is no longer that little boy singing and laughing all day long with his treasured toys. Instead, there stand a man who is legally an adult, though he is still immature and sentimental. People say youth is the most precious and the most brilliant in our long period of life, and I agree with it. We are strong in body, quick in mind, we are always full of passion, energetic and high spirited. Youth is the sun in the morning and the rainbow in the sky. We have grown up, suddenly. Looking back of the old days, it seems being a college student can be so cool and so pleasing, no more homework waste your time, no more criticism spoil your mood, no more ignore let you down. We can find our own way and go on it without interference, we can do whatever we want and achieve whatever we have dreamt.

But gone with it, are our indelible years, sweet and sour, worth remembering and unforgettable.

Still remember the days when dad, mom and I sit around the table, talking about all kinds of things, about happiness and sorrows, about dream and wishes. Every time I am happy and excited, there are mom and dad with whom I can share the joy. Every time I am upset and distressed, there are mom and dad who smile at me and

fuel me the power to go forward. Every time I achieve my little success, it’s them who encourage me and tell me “carry on”. Every time I put my foot wrong, it’s them who pull me back and guide me the right way.

Still remember the days being crazy with best friend, chasing around on the playground, skipping class to a long waited movie, playing an innocent prank on someone…… the simple, pure and treasured friendship started to grow in that infancy heart.

Still remember giving the gift to that girl I love. Though don’t know what love is and means. It’s like magic which attract you and let you forget all the sorrows and sadness. Seeing her smile became the best time life can’t be replaced.

Days are gone. No more stupid, no more spoil, no more kidding, it’s our turn to strive and fight for our dream. Little bit perplexed, little bit nervous and little bit excited, not sure what life is in store of me, but not afraid, not regret, not sad. I will keep going and never give up.











看些和??”我打断妈妈的话语大声说:“你知不知道,我现在作业都很多,而且还有老师布置的的任务,从小到大我总是随着你们大人的意愿做事,大部分时间已经放在了学习上,又要完成很多的作业,玩的时间几乎没有。放了假,又让我学这个,学那个,我的脑子都快炸了,难道我真的应该像个“机器人”一样一天到晚有做不玩的事吗?”妈妈和刚才似乎变了一个人大声说:“我现在跟你买这些,都不是为你们以后的前途着想,都不是为了你好吗?”我的 “火”腾地上来反驳到:“难道大人们都要以这种的方式来爱自己的孩子么,以为读读死书就算了吗?我们每天5点40起来,那么早跑去学校我们难道不累吗?还有这么多的作业,我的痛苦又有谁了解呢?你们就知道读书读书。有没有为孩子们着想他们到底有没有自由。”“嘿,我辛苦了这多年,都不是为你好,你们么样都不了解父母呢?”妈妈严厉地说。“像那些只知道读死书的,那不是他们自愿的,都是像你们这些父母逼的,有的高中生甚至为爸爸妈妈逼自己上学的事情都走上了自己不愿看到的一条决路。这不是别的,都是你们大人逼成这个样子的。”我边啜泣边大声说??最后的舌战中妈妈被我气得走进了自己的房























不再是小孩了,已变得有意识,有胆量,有知识了。有时,他们东一句“你已经长大了!”西一句“你不再是小孩了!” 听得我头都疼了。现在的我无论做什么事,自己都要先认好“罗盘针”,都必须要有原则在身,不能马虎完成,也不能粗心对待,如果稍有差池,随时都会招来暴风雪。





  • 成长的烦恼英文作文


  • 成长的烦恼英语作文

    成长的烦恼英文作文GrowingPainsInMemoryofthePastDaysLookingintothemirror,themanthereisnolongerthatlittleboysingingandlaughingalldaylongwithhistreasuredtoys Inst